Phileo immediately removed his helmet and hopped down once he arrived at Ezra's vacation house. He was shocked when Ezra, himself, was at the gate, waiting for his arrival.

"Ah, Phileo, long time no see! I heard from Solaris that you are going to stop by here for Epione. You don't have to worry, I already have people looking out for them, and as if it's not enough, Raella sent some people to guard in the shadows. So as you can see, it is heavily guarded so calm down." He smiled at Phileo reassuringly.

Phileo sighed and tried to cool his head. Right, Ray wouldn't let anyone harm Epione, he doesn't need to worry about anything.

"Thank you..." Phileo muttered while rubbing his temples as they walked inside his villa. Ezra pats his back as he sighs.