"Seems like you visited her..." Someone said as Phileo exited the operating room. It was Ezra Marshall, the best buddy of his wife. He was leaning beside the door frame, looks like he's been waiting for ages while he was inside the room. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he turned his body and faced him. There was no hostility between them, it's just that Phileo is awkward with him knowing what he did in the past. Well, jealousy still remain in his heart anyways, can't deny that. 

"Visiting my old friend of course. It's been so long since I handled her company while at the same time looking for my company." He said, shrugging and in nonchalant tone. "Why ask?" Ezra asked back towards Phileo who seems startled with his question. 

"Nothing..." He muttered meekly, blinking twice and sighed. "Thanks for looking at my wife's business. I appreciate it a lot." He said, thanking him for his service despite not getting anything in return.