"there's a former member of the syndicate?" Raella asked, perplexed with the truth that the man uttered. Aethan even frowned at the revelation, is this man making up some fuckable stories?

"Even I don't know that there's someone. Maybe he's playing a god damn game so you can kill him now." Aethan said, telling Phileo that there was no man named Alexis Michelle back then.

"Lycoris isn't even formed with members like board members in a company. The rule of our Madame is absolute, with only her right and left hand and the Intel squad. This man is lying." Solaris told Phileo, agreeing with the decision that it would be better for them to kill the man.

"No! I am telling the truth! I really am telling the truth!" He shouted, tearing up as he tried to resist the force that stopped him. Yet the serum had its effect, just like what they