"Still want to fight?" Phileo asked while looking at Gregory with a smug expression on his face. Gregory was beaten hard beaten till he was a pulp, covered in blood and heavily breathing from the beatings he received.

Everyone didn't stop him from beating Gregory. Everyone enjoyed the scene where Phileo didn't even let Gregory land a hit on him and instead suffered from the hits Phileo kept on releasing to the point that he started crawling away from Phileo with such a bloody appearance. 

He was a cocky bastard earlier when the pre-fight happened. But right now, he's a cowardly scum who wouldn't even try to stand up on his own legs. He was crawling away from Phileo to which everyone had already expected.

He was after all, by far from Phileo's status and standing. He couldn't even be on his level yet he acted like a damn wuss who's brave enough to deal with Phileo's physical capabilities.