"Then I guess that's all. Now, I will present the names and assign each personel into your care. You can also start today since they are at your dismissal." Phileo said, clicking the next slide for his presentation. 

"Jim Karell, age 36, a Casanova with lots of mistresses aside from his official wife. I won't be putting details since everything about their personal life is in that file I've sent." He stated, letting them observe who Jim Karell is. 

"Cynthia Perpetua, a transgender who accumulated lots of wealth by illegal transactions." He pressed the next slide, as another picture appeared on the screen with another personnel from the Ytuphyn syndicate. 

"Uzen, you will be handling Jim Karell and Cynthia Perpetua. I will place them under your care and you can do whatever you want to them." He informed Uzen, nodding his head.