The death threat finally lifts away from Augustus head. He was panting hard, tears troubled his eyes as he chased his breath. He just came out of the death's door. 

The one who actually died was Alexis, his head hung low, blood pouring out of his open forehead. The floor literally was flooded by their bloods combined together. 

Augustus cried, he couldn't utter any single words as he felt like he was going to vomit. His mind is dizzy, his eyes swirling, ready to pass out. Yet despite the troubles he went through, he was still thankful that it wasn't him who died. 

Everything ended at that single bullet that pierced through Alexis' head. He felt relieved but most of all, disturbed that he literally puked all of his everything, creating a mud of mixed blood and his dirt. 

"Oh dear... Look at that." Uzen suddenly uttered, watching Augustus let his frustrations out. He was in a state of delirium and sick. Yet everyone just watched him hurl his feelings out.