"Look at that poor guy, having panic attacks and couldn't even open his eyes. Oh how fun it is to see him trembling like that." Uzen chuckled after seeing Gregory having seizures in front of the national news. Poor brat, this is what he get for seeking trouble.

His body mustve felt a lot of terrifying traumas surging in ever inch of body to the point that it caused such severe seizure and panic attack. He even needed to be sedated just to get him calm down. Gregory was then assisted by the cops, exiting him from the press.

The conference was abruptly stop because of him ending it without even teaching half an hour. It's just like that, leaving the people wanting more clues to figure out who's the third party that the ex-colonel messed with. 

Of course, the group shall be find and immediately purged out but who would dare to purge them? Just after seeing how the Colonel was having anxiety and trauma attack, they didn't dare to dig a little deeper.