Another day has passed and the country was not quiet nor peaceful. The event has lead too many opinions and the people are picking sides because of it. The situation wasn't controllable yet manageable so it's not a hard work. 

But it's not their problem anyway, the problem lies with the politicians on how to handle events like this. It's what they are good and it's their job. They can't possibly bother them to utilize any options aside from following the mandatory rule of Martial Law.

"What's with the meeting?" Raella asked, as she approached them, walking towards Andrea and kissing her forehead. "How are you sister?" She asked after kissing her forehead and sat on the plastic chair that Solaris brought for her. 

"Good to see you healthy, Madame." Solaris greeted with a little bow of his head, smiling over Andrea who squinted her eyes over Solaris. "Good to see everyone too." She responded, sighing eventually.