The night has seeped in and after their party, everyone returned to their perspective rooms. It was still eight in the evening yet everyone felt like they wasted themselves with lots of drinks consumed. 

One of them who's even more wasted was Phileo who is now sleeping peacefully beside Epione since Phileo wanted for her to sleep with her. It seems that Andrea wasn't the one who got drunk as she couldn't drink properly because of this man. 

She sighed, sighing as she sat on their bed, looking at the two most precious beings in the whole world. Nothing can change the fact that these two make her world shine even more. 

She would die for the two, she would kill for them, she would sacrifice her life for them.

She chuckled. How selfless has she become over the years of having Phileo. Back then, she remembered that she won't even apologize for anything or sacrifice herself for others.