"What? How the hell did that happen? Wasn't he just in his cell like months ago? What's with the transferring?" Raella asked, frowning as it was an unexpected turn off event. How the hell did that really happen?

"Apparently he was deemed unstable. It must have been from the traumatic experience from everyone including the Generals pulling of bullying inside the cell that leads to his unstable mentality." Phileo explained, telling them what really happened. 

There's no point if he wouldn't share it. After all, everyone has a memory of him. 

"He was always shouting in his cell, begging and even performing self-harm. He displays a psychotic behaviour in his cell that even the guards have to intervene him through sedation him to calm him. When the generals finally heard about this issue, they decided to transfer him into an asylum until he shows a change of behaviour then he'll be detained once more." He even added.