This time around, he knew that she fainted for real.

Gathering her in his arms,he turned to the king and queen and bowed, Silently telling them to take care of the rest, and like that he left with his new bride securely tucked in his arms.

He laid her on the bed,tucking her under the blanket,While removing her shoes.

He knelt down beside the bed,Staring at her face, he put his hand on her head, stroking it gently. He was happy.

"Thank you for coming back to me" he said and kissed her forehead.

He looked at her one last time and strode out of the room. He needed to take care of some things.


Hours later...

Isabel's eyes slowly fluttered open, her eyes first caught sight of the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. she realized that she was in a strange room.

She sat up on the bed,While rubbing her eyes groggily.

The moment her eyes took in the whole view of the room,her jaw dropped in total shock,almost screaming. The room she was in was super big and screamed luxury, it looked so traditional yet modern at the same time, it was a total work of art.

From the tree paintings on the grey wall to the King sized bed she was sleeping on, she looked at the large wooden headboard behind her, She felt so small compared to the huge bed she was on.

She gulped when she saw the furnitures in the room, The room had both shades of Silver and grey.

She widened her eyes when she saw the space provided for the Walk-in-closet only, 'They provided a whole section for it alone!' shock was written all over her face.

it felt as if they placed placed a room inside a room. it was freaking big.

She laid back on the bed totally awestrucked , she felt like she was in paradise, They really took their time in designing the room. She felt like a princess surrounded by luxuries. she couldn't help smiling, but her smile soon faded when came to realization.

It seemed that the word 'princess' juggled her mind.

Memories of what had happened started flooding her head like a hurricane, She abruptly sat up, screaming.

"Aah!!" She grabbed her hair in horror.

"No,no,no. it's just a dream right". She asked herself in high hopes. But when she felt something on her finger indicating that it wasn't a dream, she literally jumped off the bed, while clutching her dress.

She has married the prince!!

"How?" "Why?". She started pacing back and forth, She didn't even have time to mull over the feel of her feet on the soft rug.

Her mind was in total disbelief.

She started recounting all that happened,it was as if she was conversing with someone else, while in reality,she was the only one in the room.

"I swayed, the prince caught me and I.... and I...." she clamped her mouth together when she remembered the prince. she could remember how she was awestruck by the prince physical appearance.

"crazy,crazy,crazy. isabel you are crazy" she said to herself.

She couldn't believe that she actually agreed to marry the prince.

"Wait,have I gone crazy". she that had been planning to stop the wedding at all cost,and it's also she who agreed to be married to the prince.

She then remembered her tears falling,which shocked her. "Why was I crying" she had no idea, she just felt some emotions right at that moment which felt foreign to her, her heart stinged.

Isabel bit on her lower lips,she felt as if someone else had taken over her body.

She sat on the rug,deep in thoughts.

"Hold on, Why didn't I cry to father and tell him that I didn't want to get married,Why was I so sure that I could handle everything?, Why hadn't I run away from home before things came to this?, Why was I overly confident?, Why was I so stupid and dumb?" Isabel started asking herself out loud. "And more so, Why am I just realizing this now?" "is it because I didn't want to refute Dad's words?" "is it because i wanted to repay him for taking me in and taking care of me" She knew she was adopted,he wasn't her biological father, 'But, she coming here thinking that she could stop the wedding between her and the prince,isn't it the same as refuting her dads' words,Why hadn't she outright tell her father that she didn't want an arranged marriage,that she only wanted to marry for love.

She was naturally a smart girl,but why was she just realizing this now,when it was too late.

She literally had four years to have thought and realized the pros and con's, But No, she chosed to be ignorant and overly confident. she could still remember her father telling her about her marriage to the prince on her 18th birthday.

"Now she's already married to the prince. "What do I do?".

Isabel asked herself in a croaked voice,her eyes stinging.



You can't stop what had been fated to happen