The sound of the birds chirping and the warmth she was feeling woke her up, she couldn't help but rub her face against the warmth. she felt revitalized.

Although she was already awake,she kept her eyes closed,yawning lazily. She stretched her arms widely, that was when she felt something under her, she moved her hand to touch it, Unconsciously running her fingers over that certain 'thing'. when she felt that 'thing' move slightly, her eyes flew open.

"Good morning, wife"

Like a bolt of lightening,she jumped up.

"Aah!!" She screamed when the prince face came into view.

The prince was wide awake,looking at her with his deep blue orbs. he folded his arms together, amused by his wife's panic state. her eyes were wide in disbelief.

He could only chuckle when he saw the look his wife was giving him. it felt as if he just took advantage of her.

Isabel frantically checked herself, she sighed in relief when saw that her clothes were still intact and nothing had happened to her. She threw him a dirty look.

"Don't look at me like that,dear wife" his voice was so deep and huskier,that it made her heart skip a beat.

"if anything, i should be the one looking at you like that, Although it's okay with me"he said shamelessly

Isabel: "...."

she couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Am sure you had a good night sleep,although i can't say the same for myself". He got up from the bed,wanting to wear his shirt.

Isabel quickly turned when his broad back came into full view,her face turned red.

She couldn't utter any word,even when the prince went out saying he would call Aliana to help her bath, no words could form on her lips. She knew what the prince was implying 'she had taken advantage of him'. she grabbed her hair in frustration, ' i had even shamelessly nuzzled my head on his chest'.

And why didn't i feel irritated by that,even when the prince called her 'wife'. her heart was stupidly beating fast. "Isabel you're crazy"

" Good morning, Your highness". Startled by the sudden voice, she whipped her head around to see who it was.

"Aliana" she called her name.

"Your highness, am so sorry. I shouldn't have let you wear a light cloth to sleep". Aliana said bowing her head in regret. The prince had scolded her earlier, she had never been on the receiving end of his anger before, but she received it first hand this morning, she couldn't help the tears that fell off her face.

Isabel looked at Aliana in confusion, she couldn't understand why she was apologizing, there was nothing wrong with her cloth, she liked it.

Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the tears on Aliana's face. "Why are you crying?". She stood up from the bed and walked towards Aliana. "There's nothing wrong with the cloth i wore, don't cry". She hugged her, trying to stop her from crying.

"i forgot to tell you that the weather is usually cold at night, and that you shouldn't wear a light cloth".

Isabel who was still stroking her back stilled, her eyes widened in realization. 'Was that why she ended up in the prince arms?', she must have been cold.

She bit her lips, she had indeed taken advantage of the prince. But if the weather was cold, why was the prince shirtless and that warm?. She shrugged her shoulders, it's none of her concern.

"Am alright, i didn't catch a cold, Okay' She looked into Aliana's eyes, ensuring her that she was okay. She was too embarrassed to tell Aliana that the prince had kept her warm through the night.

Aliana cleaned her eyes and nodded. " I will prepare your bath, your highness" she was about to move when Isabel grabbed her hand, she looked at her with questioning gaze.

"Can you please drop the formalities, it feels weird" Isabel pleaded with a sheepish smile. she didn't want to be referred to as 'Your highness'.

Aliana looked at her with a complicated gaze, She was the prince wife,and that would make her a princess, and more so, The prince had made it clear that they should treat her the same way they treat him, she wouldn't dare disobey the prince words.

"Am sorry, Your highness". she bowed her head in disapproval.

"Okay, Can you call me by my name when we are alone like this". Isabel said with pleading eyes.

She was surprised when she saw Aliana nodding her head, She had thought that Aliana would decline again.