"We can go back now, if you are not ready to meet them" The prince said with a soft voice, he didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

Isabel bit on her lips on her lips, she looked down and peeked, she wanted to see the King and Queen.

She quickly averted her face when she locked eyes with a woman. Something caught her eyes which made her look again. her mouth unconsciously formed an O when she saw the woman very well, She got fascinated when a Forest-green eyes looked back at her, smiling sweetly. The woman really stood out with her platinum gold hair, 'She must be the queen' Isabel thought. The queen had a very youthful appearance.

She was an epitome of beauty, Isabel meekly returned the queens' smile. she trained her eyes to the left side of the table and saw Elias, he flashed her a smile and waved at her.

And the last person her eyes caught sight of was the King, she need not to be told that he was the king, Although his back was facing her, he screamed of Regality, She swallowed hard.

Her every actions and reactions didn't escape the Prince eyes, The corner of his lips lifted up.

"Do you want us to leave". he asked again.

Seeing the Queen's eager gaze, She looked up at the Prince and shook her head, she would stay.

"Are you sure". She nodded her head in certainty.

After he had made sure that was what she wanted, he removed his hand from her waist and held her right hand, guiding her towards the table.

He led her to the right side of table, introducing her first to his father.

Isabel picked up her dress and curtsied towards the king. "Good morning, Your majesty". she was glad that she didn't stutter.

The king looked at her and smiled, " It's nice to finally see you, Isabel"

She didn't think much about the 'finally' that the King said, She looked at the king and looked back at the prince, shock was written all over her face, 'Is this the Prince father?' she asked no one in particular.

Because, Although the King and Prince had striking resemblance, if she had been told by someone else,she would have denied that they were Father & Son. They could literally pass as Siblings.

Her mouth hunged open in surprise, The King also has a deep blue eyes, and black hair.

The Prince took after his father in appearance.

"Father, i think your daughter in-law is too smitten by you". She was brought back to the present when she heard Elias voice.

Her face burned red in embarrassment. "it... it's nice to see you too, Your majesty". she quickly averted her gaze.

The queen was already up on her seat when she turned to greet her.

"Good....". Before she could finish greeting, The queen had enveloped her in a big hug, which surprised her.

The Queen broke the hug and placed both her hands on her face, "You look more beautiful, my dear".

Isabel blinked her eyes in confusion, this was her first time seeing the queen, but why was she treating her like one lost daughter who had just been found.

Shrugging off the thoughts, she bowed her head and replied. "Thank you, Your majesty. You..." her words were cut off by the queen.

"No, you can call me mother, From now on you have to call me MOTHER". The queen said with all seriousness.

Isabel gulped, it all seem too good to be true, She had thought she would meet with an evil queen or worse A prim and proper queen, who would be so full of herself.

Reality told her otherwise, the queen was nothing like what she had thought, She was truly a nice queen.

She was touched when the queen said she can call her mother. She grew up without having anyone to call mother, She doesn't even know who her biological parents were, and her adoptive father hadn't gotten married.

"O..okay, Mother", she said, making the queen's smile grow wider.

The queen was about to make Isabel sit beside her, when the Prince swiftly grabbed his wife and made her sit beside him. the queen could only shake her head and pout at her Son's behavior.

The double door opened and several servants came in with trays in each of their hands.

"Ah, finally. i thought we would end up eating Brunch with all this drama" Elias said jestingly.

Isabel looked down shyly, knowing that she was the reason why the breakfast got delayed.

The table was filled with different types of dishes, but mainly meats.

Her mouth watered when she saw the enormous foods on the table. it was only four people seated, But the food felt like it was being served for like 20 persons.

She wasn't used to servings like this.

'Well they are Royals, They would have gotten used to being served like this' she thought.

She looked at the prince who was busy filling her plate with food, she wasn't looking at the food but the man filling it, he looked so serious with what he was doing,

"Here". The prince brought a spoon to her lip, she looked at him with wide eyes. 'Uh!, Am not a baby, Why does he wants to feed me'.

She shook her head and raised her hand to collect the spoon, but the Prince didn't give it to her, he was bent on feeding her.

She looked around the table, everyone else was busy with their foods, not sparing them a glance.

she glanced back at the Prince, he was still patiently waiting for her.

Not having any choice she slowly opened her mouth,allowing him to feed her.

She kept staring at the Prince, she was really confused with the way the Prince was treating her, and not that she wasn't comfortable with it, She liked it, she couldn't deny.

She looked at the King, the Queen and Elias, They had all welcomed her with warm smiles.

Maybe this wedding wasn't a bad idea afterall, Or is it too early to judge?. She contemplated.

Everything seemed too good to be true.