" Whoa". Isabel couldn't help but utter when she took in a lungful of fresh air, she looked around her in fascination. They were inside a forest, The prince had brought her there.

The forest felt so alive, the trees had healthy stems and leaves, it was a perfect healing place. she wouldn't mind staying there for a whole day, Being a lover of nature that she was.

"Where is this place" she asked.

"Forest" Derrek answered her in an obvious tone.

Isabel frowned her face and looked at him with a fierce eyes. " Am not dumb not to know that we are in a forest". her voice came out a little bit angry. she wanted to know where she was, not the forest they were now.

Derrek looked at her with an amused face, she looked cute when angry.

"It is called THE LAND OF VILE". he answered her question.

"Mmm.... Like the Land of life?". she asked.

"Yes". Isabel nodded her head at the prince answer, it was worth being called that.

"How far is this place from my home" she looked at him innocently, she was quite the chatty and questioning type.

"Why, So you can run off" Derrek asked her with a raised brow, he thought she was still planning on running away.

"Huh!". Flustered by his question, she blinked her eyes rapidly. She actually didn't ask the question with the intention of running away, she was just curious.

" No, i just wanted to know, i didn't ask because i wanted to run away"

Her heart almost leapt out of her chest when Derrek suddenly moved closer to her, too close that she had to take a step back.

Derrek moved closer to her, while holding her gaze. "You won't run away?" He asked her in a low deep voice, he almost held his breath waiting for her response, the thoughts of her wanting to run away from him stabbed his heart, He doesn't want to be away from her, not in this lifetime. he would do anything to keep her by his side.

He sighed in relief when she answered. "No".

Isabel's eyes widened in surprise at her own answer, she just said no, it was just yesterday that she was still trying to run, but here she is today having a change of mind. 'Isabel what is wrong with you'. She couldn't understand herself anymore, it all started after she laid her eyes on the Prince, she had been feeling all this strange emotions. She even barely knows the person in front of her, So why does she feel a sense of belonging to him, to this place.

"Will you stay with me" He held her chin up, waiting for her answer.

Yet before her mind could process his words very well, her mouth had answered "Yes"

"Wait, that was not wha...." her words hunged when Derrek suddenly bent closer to her, his lips almost touching hers, " Can i kiss you".