Sincere Offer?

Dinner time passed by without any more surprises.

After they finished eating, Alex and the whole Raven family went to the living room.

Once everyone sat down, Jonathan took the lead and said, "Alex, in the past few decades that I've been wandering around the Alter Dimension, this is the first time I'm seeing someone as brilliant as you."

After a pause, Jonathan continued, "You might have already heard from my granddaughter Kris but, the thing that we originally want to talk about tonight is about the reward you took last time."

"The dragon egg."

After saying that, Jonathan carefully observed Alex's face.

When he saw that Alex's expression didn't even fluctuate, Jonathan narrowed his eyes and said, "You don't seem surprised that the stone you took was a dragon egg."

Hearing that, Alex smiled and said, "Of course, I'm not."

"After all, I already learned about it not long ago."