Miraculous Effects!

Pointing at the dishes on the menu, Alex ordered almost everything except for the Dragon Blood.

At the same time, he didn't forget to order everything for Ferri.

After Alex ordered, the beastman girl smiled and said, "Okay, sir!"

"I'll try my best to bring you your order immediately!"

Just as she finished saying that, she took the menu and hurriedly left to process the orders.

Seeing just how hyper and active that small girl is, Alex can't help but find her cute.

Like a cute stuffed toy that everyone wants to have because it brings around good vibes.

Anyway, Alex sat there, patiently waiting for his food to arrive.

Feeling bored, Alex opened his character panel.


[Class: Dungeon Master]

[Level: 25]

[Talent: Fortune's Embodiment] [Luck Points: 598]

[Health: 6860/6860]

[Mana: 5660/5660]

[Strength: 500] | [Constitution: 500] | [Agility: 500] | [Intelligence: 500] | [Charisma: 500]