Is There Anyone Sitting With You?

6 days later, Alex finally arrived at his final destination.

The royal capital, Nagels.

"Haa~ traveling for 7 straight days was really exhausting. Maybe next time I should bring a motorcycle or a car here."

Shaking his head, Alex said, "Anyway, this place really looks majestic. Worthy of being called the royal capital."

Just like Alex said, Nagels is a really grand place full of things that can only be imagined by most people in remote towns like Kupido Town.

Here, elegance is at the epitome in Alex's opinion.

High class carriages and people wearing jewelry are not uncommon here.

The roads are also well made, you can really see that it is made with great materials.

However, under the glamorous look of this capital, the dark slum here is bigger than in any other city.

Alex didn't pay much attention to anything.

Right now, all his thoughts are focused on one thing.

Trial Tower.