Tenth Floor, Minotaur King

Duke Ethan Bernard, the head of the Bernard Family of Rejume Kingdom.

That is the identity of the one in front of Jonathan.

Even though Jonathan can act like a person at the top in front of his family and Alex, in front of the chubby Bernard, he has to always remain polite.

That is because Jonathan's nobility is only that of a count.

Compared to a Duke who rules over a vast land, it was a few ranks apart.

Also, the Bernard Family is well-known in the whole Rejume as a family that always produces great players.

That is to say, in their family, there are a lot of people who possess great power.

Jonathan knows that he can't go against them.

At the moment, Jonathan is trying to persuade the head of the Bernard Family, Ethan Bernard, to invest in one of his players with warrior class.

To recruit or raise mages all over the country to strengthen the force of the kingdom.

In other words, to build a magician unit.