Useless Item?

Alex hurriedly closed his mouth to stop more water from going inside his mouth.

Immediately, Alex breathed a sigh of relief.

Kris from behind saw all that and felt a little funny.

As for the mermen, they looked at each other before one of them left their post while the other was left to watch over Alex and Kris.

The mermen that was left behind opened his mouth and said, "Wait for a while, my colleague already went to get an item that can help you speak while under the water."

Hearing that, Alex was relieved and nodded.

Obediently waiting, soon the other mermen came back holding two green leaf like things and handed it to Alex and Kris.

"Here, chew this first then you can speak after that."

Alex looked at the leaf that was handed over and used [Inspect] just to be safe.

[Speech Seaweed]

[Rating: Common]

[Effect: If chewed, it coats your whole mouth with plant oil making it waterproof.]