Ferri's Evolution

As a warm green light was coming out of his body, Ferri's body started swelling.

No, he was growing bigger!

From a 3 meter tall wolf, Ferri's body started growing crazily under Alex's sight.

4 meters… 5 meters… 8 meters… 10 meters!

Ferri only stopped getting bigger once he reached 10 meters in height.

That is as high as a two storey building!

Right now, Ferri can already be called a real giant.

At the same time, his fur, which is a mix of green and white blended together, appears more elegant.

After a few minutes, the light around Ferri died down and his transformation was finished.

Raising his head up to the sky, Ferri let out a loud and dignified howl.


His howl echoed throughout the whole forest.

And even at Nagels that is still a distance away from here, the people there heard it as well and can't help but turn their eyes in the direction where Alex and Ferri are.