Rapid Rise in Stats, Legendary-Class

Alex walked closer and confirmed that the body really didn't disappear.

"Is this place not like the previous trial?"

Thinking of that, Alex touched the kobold before using [Sacrifice] on it.

[You 'Sacrificed' a 3-Star Kobold, +50 free attribute points.]

When Alex saw that [Sacrifice] successfully worked, he's finally sure that this place is really not like the previous trial that is similar to dungeons.

This place probably also simulates the wild instead of a dungeon.

Realizing that, a strange light flashes through Alex's eyes.

With a smile, Alex said, "It seems like this quest will be easier than I expected."

After that, Alex hurriedly left that place and started looking around for more monsters.

It didn't take long before Alex found another monster and without even giving it a chance to react, Alex killed it.