Taking Angelica and the Kids, Blaze

After contemplating for a while about his new unique skill, Alex started walking out of the Trial Tower.

On his way out, he passed by the stone monument's ranking and saw that it had changed.

At the very top, the name that was written became 'Zero'.

That means, Alex has just become the one that cleared the 2nd Tier trial with the highest points!

"It seems like choosing the Abyss difficulty was the right choice. I don't know how the Trial Tower scores its trialists though."

Alex fell silent for a moment before saying, "I wonder if anyone else can really complete the Abyss trial…"

Alex thought about that for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"Well, since I'm the first one who was able to do it, then I guess not."

Next, Alex opened his inventory and saw that his other reward, the [Random Treasure Chest] has also arrived.

"Since there's nothing else for me to do here, it's about time I leave this place."