Back at the Village

Alex stood up and looked at the three members of Leonel family.

He said, "Mr. Borong, Miss Paula, and Miss Azul, thank you for the hospitality that you've shown us. It's about time we leave now."

Hearing that, Paula stood up as well and said, "Oh, you're leaving already? Don't you guys want to stay here for today?"

Alex shook his head, "Thank you for the offer but that would be inappropriate. Also, we're hurrying on this journey so we have to leave now."

"Is that so?" Said Azul, "Then it can't be helped. Please take care on your way. Visit us again when you have the time."

Alex smiled and nodded, "We will try to visit again next time. I want to taste that incredible food that Paula cooks after all."

Hearing that, Paula and Azul smiled.

At this time, Borong, who's still feeling weak, forced his body to stand up with hardship.

Hurriedly, Azul and Paula supported him.

"Dad, don't push yourself."