The Real Terror of 'Corruption'

While Alex is on the phone with Glen, on the wall not far away, Rommel is sitting on the ground with his hands covering his mouth.

At this time, Rommel's eyes are both wide in shock.

And that is all because of seeing the power that Alex showed earlier.

'T-that, what the hell was that? How can he beat up such a terrible monster with his bare hands?!'

Even though he is just standing from afar while hiding behind the wall earlier, Rommel can still feel just how powerful the Corruptor is.

But that powerful monster in Rommel's eyes was suddenly beaten up without even a chance of fighting back right in front of his eyes!

Just thinking of that image of Alex punching the Corruptor again and again, Rommel can't help but feel frightened.

After a while, Rommel managed to calm down himself.

Then he thought, "Wait, that man looks a bit familiar."

Once again, curiosity started to get the best of Rommel.