What's It Got To Do With You?

The eyes of everyone in the hall looked in front, at the man on the podium.

It was Rolando.

"Before we start, I would like to thank you all for taking your time to attend tonight."

Looking at everyone's faces, he continued,

"The reason why all of you have been invited here is to talk about one thing."

"Alter Dimension."

At the mention of Alter Dimension, everyone immediately reacted.

Some look worried, while others also look excited.

There's also people who remain silent but have thoughtful looks on their faces.

Rolando didn't pay any mind to any of that and continued.

"Maybe some have already noticed that… the appearance of some strange things has become more frequent in these past few months."

"It is to the point that casualties could no longer be avoided."

When Alex hears that, he can't help but think of the couple he found under the bridge before.