Traps In The Dungeon

Since they relocated, it's necessary to open the restaurant and not leave it without doing anything. 

Such things are not productive at all. 

Also, if left alone, the restaurant might attract some unwanted people from the city or nearby places.

Alex didn't want any trouble since that's the reason why they left Kupido Town. 

But not wanting trouble and being afraid of trouble are two different things. 

If necessary, Alex will make a move himself to clear the trouble. 

Alex and Kris continued moving, trailing the same path that they took on their way to the elven kingdom. 

The journey was bland and uneventful. 

The two of them could only keep themselves entertained by talking about various topics. 

After walking for some time, Alex suddenly stopped and frowned. 

"Hey, why did you stop?"

Kris asked after seeing Alex remain in place. 

"Hmm, I'm feeling something…" Alex answered.