I'm The Dungeon Master!

Belle looked at the young man exuding a charismatic air around him. 

As an elf, especially a high elf, Belle has seen all kinds of handsome and beautiful people all over the elven kingdom. 

Despite that, when she looks at this man, there seems to be something that she couldn't explain that attracts her to him. 

This is also the reason why she decided to talk in the end. 

You have to know that the information that she just gave, talking about the God of Nature and the oracle, is information that could only be known to a few in the upper-class in the elven kingdom. 

If people learned that she spoke about it to some stranger, she would probably face the anger of those from the upper-class. 

Especially the Queen. 

Belle watched Alex as he fell deep into his thoughts, pondering about something after he heard what she said.

She just stood there, patiently waiting for him to say something.