The Day Draws Closer

As Kay, Shiina, and Ezra entered the classroom, they were met with a silence. The desks and chairs were vacant, the chalkboard barren. It was as if the room had been abandoned, yet the door had been unlocked.

"Looks like everyone's at the training center." Kay said, his tone flat.

Shiina nodded in agreement, "That must be where the weapons testing is taking place. Let's head over there."

Ezra chimed in, "Yeah, I can't wait to show off the weapon we have been working on."

They made their way out of the empty classroom, eager to showcase their creations at the training center.

As they arrived in the main reception area, the sight that greeted them was one of bustling activity. The majority of their classmates were gathered there, each one brandishing a weapon, some of which were their own creations, crafted with great care and precision during the assigned project. They were already lining up, awaiting their turn to be evaluated by their instructor.