"Come on!! Come on!" Azou exclaimed as her and Luna were frantically packing their things in two backpacks, both had no idea where to even go in Neo,but Luna did have one idea. Perhaps the forest near her father's homeland Nasaag. She figured maybe the shaman lady A'Sheleki was at her home.
Before the two could leave Skyra,being a responsible mother stopped her two kids in their tracks. Her hands on her hips followed by as stern look made the two girls take a step back." What did I even say you two? No means no! End of story. As for this whole adventure I'm putting my foot down." Skyra said sternly. Azou and Luna were upset by the news,however they did plan to leave at what was presumably nightfall for them. The plan was as soon as their parents went to bed along with everyone in the palace, the two girls would set off and teleport to Neo.
"Hmm. Well guess we gotta do what Momma says huh Azou?" Luna nudged her older sister. "Huh? Oh..uh yeah hehe. Your absolutely right Momma,we where just at Neo and came home from a pretty nasty fight. It'd be pretty foolish to go back. We're sorry for even thinking of such a foolish thing. Can you forgive us?" Azou asked trying to charm her mother. Skyra kissed her two daughters on the cheek and yawned. She went to bed and Zuma soon followed. He figured his daughters were responsible enough to follow their mother's instructions,so no words were needed.
Night fell and all grew silent. The girls grandmother Elena was just finishing up cooking some apple pie. She took it out of the oven and placed it on the counter,there the que was practically a given. Azou snuck her bag out with her and stealthily opened Luna's bedroom door. Silvia had her in a tight squeeze. The white haired girl didnt wanna let her girlfriend go. She had missed her so much. Azou unfortunately had to come to the rescue and quickly remove Luna from Silvia's grasp.
"Come oon..Let go of my baby sister..Place a teddy bear under her arm okay? We gotta get going." Azou whispered trying to stay quiet. Luna did just that and tiptoed out of the bedroom. She grabbed her own bag and successfully made it to the foyer room with Azou.
"That girl has a death grip I tell ya what. She sure did miss me. Hehe.Now we just need to remember were this shaman lady lives. Hmm let's head to Nasaag Forest okay? There we can be as loud as we want." Luna whispered as she and Azou snuck out the front door,ran as fast as they could and jumped into the air. The two grabbed each other's hand and teleported in the count of 3.
"1..2..3!! Here we gooo!!" The pair said in unison. As the two warped from mid air passed thousands of light years of outer space to their home planet. There the two were. This place is where the journey began, not just for Luna but Azou and their whole family. It was 2:55 AM. The night was quiet and warm. Much had changed in Nasaag since the two last resided their. Now Fafir's Scouts had set up buildings,posts and taken over most of the place.
This upset Luna. Her heart hurted as she saw a place once filled with joy,life and hapoiness now stricken with angony,despair,pain and anguish. Suddenly Azou grabbed Luna by her hand and the two set on their journey to the shaman.
"Hmm such a long pathway huh sis? Hm?..Luna..Luna what's wrong." Azou asked as she saw Luna sitting under a tree. Her knees covering her face. Tears rolled down her eyes. Azou hugged her little sister tight. One look was all that it took really. Smoke plumes in the distance now covered the once beautiful pink sky. It was a blood red wherever you would go. Neo was under Fafir's control. Luna wept at the fact that one friend in particular could possibly be no longer among the living. If that was the case. Luna's sadness began to form into anger. Her respect for Fafir was once again about to turn into hatred.
As her fists balled up,the very ground started to tremble, her eyes started to dimly glow. Azou figured she should calm Luna down to the best of her abilities. "H..Hey sister. It's gonna be okay alright? Why else do ya think were doing this Hmm?" Azou asked. Luna immediately calmed down. Surprised she looked at Azou and smiled.
"That's more like it hehe,now come on we got us a shaman to fine. So far we just started this trail journey. Anything ya wanna tell me. What's really bugging you? Ya know before we think of our little experiment. " Azou said thoughtfully.
Luna walked a bit ahead of her sister in the mighty forest,she saw a sign and pointed to it." She's gotta be here,to the left. " Said an impatient Luna. Azou tried to get Luna to spill the beans,yet Luna avoided the question like the plague. In truth she felt very guilty for her recent acts with Fafir,but that also wasn't it. Her secret to keep with Saruna also hindered her mood. She figured if no one knew, then all would be well..right?
The two kept walking in silence, Azou wanted to be a good sister and give Luna her space, however the urge to help her grew stronger and stronger with each passing step.
It didn't stop Azou though. She kept on digging for any information from her sister. Even the smallest thing could be important. She wanted to help.Like what the hell had happened to Luna when she saw those smoke plumes. Had her time with Fafir been that heinous? She had been awfully secretive since she left the space ship. Her not telling Azou wasn't entirely uncharacteristic. But she told no one what was really on her mind.
Azou couldn't help it. She just wanted answers,and she wanted them NOW!
Azou stopped Luna and placed a hand on her shorter sister's head. "C'mon please! I know somethings bothering you! Please! Just tell me." Azou pleaded. Luna finally sighed and relented,"You win this time Azu." Luna stated.
Azou felt as if she'd won an impossible prize.
Luna looked towards Azou and replied,"I-I uhm...well....you see....I..uh.." Luna trailed off and blushed.
"You don't have ta tell me everything okay? I mean yah can always change your mind,I won't hold anything against ya,okay?" Azou tried. Luna looked down ashamed. Thats when the two heard loud howls coming from behind them. The girls saw some pops with their mother. One of the pups recognized Azou. It clumsily dashed to Azou and licked her face as she crouched down and pounced on her.
"Oh hehehe. Hi there Buddy. Mmm. I missed you too Wow ya got so big since I last saw you."Azou smiled and kissed the wolf pup goodbye. It went back to it's little den to rest. Azou dusted the dirt of her and giggled. She saw the mother wolf how. She howl again as a sign for Luna and Azou to follow. They did and soon they were in the heart of Nasaag Forest. A lone hit stood surrounded by four torches. The windows were shuddered and the door was locked tight. Proof that someone indeed lived there.
"Bye..uh..thank you. Hehe."Luna nervously giggle. Azou folded her arms and stood in front of Luna. She wanted a answer as to why her younger sister was acting weird. "Your hiding something aren't you? Was is it that you won't tell me?" Azou wondered. Luna kept her mouth shut and softly knocked on the door. For a few seconds..there was no sound at all. Azou was frustrated Luna didn't answer her question. Luna tried knocking again,this time a little bit harder and still no answer.
"Your not knocking hard enough. Here let me try. When this is all over or we get a quiet moment. I wanna know what's biting your butt so much. Got it?" Azou said with authority. Luna shyly nod. It wasn't that Luna didn't trust Azou with secrets, it's just that she wasn't the best person to tell them too. After all, when the two were kids,Luna did have a accident when she had a crush on a certain farm boy. Once Luna spilled the beans. Azou tried to say it in a way the boy could understand but she embarrassed not only herself, but Luna in the process.
"Azou can never know that..I-I cheated on Silvia..more than once with Fafir..and..Saruna..If she keeps prying on like this..then I'll have no choice but to result to more..drastic measures." Luna thought as Azou walked to the wooden door. She balled up her fist and banged it up against the door.
THUD!! THUD!! THUD!! The door echoed. She did it a second time until a loud voice answered back. "WHAT!! WHAT DO YA WANT? It's 3AM!! I need my beauty sleep!!" The womanly voice responded. The wooden door then opened and Luna recognized the woman. This was A'sheleki. The shaman of Neo. She had her gray hair down,her eyes were half closed along with her wearing a purple night gown with matching fuzzy slippers. The woman invited the two girls in.
They entered the small hut and sat around a fireplace,while A'sheleki prepared tea. The sister's sat on the straw like cushions the woman sat up for guests. A'Sheleki gave the two girls tea. She took a long look at Azou and Luna. "Wow..Skyra's babies,Yvonee's grandbabies and now. Two beautiful young women sitting before me. Your both so pretty and yet you fine time for a old crazy shaman lady like me heheh." The woman smiled. This brighten Luna's mood she smiled and commented. " We do have you to thank for even resurrecting my mother from the dead in the first place. Had not been for you Miss A'Sheleki. We would have never been born." Luna giggled. Azou sat next to her sister and hugged her. "Thank your father's mother Elena. Due to such stress,anguish and sadness. She grabbed your mother's corpse, flew here all those years ago and begged me to bring Skyra back,well long story short..Skyra was a monster. But you two read the tales of her ." The woman paused trying to not offend.
"We read and we know. Momma has definitely changed from that monster she once was. She always tells us she regrets those evil things she did,but she admits to not being perfect,moreover we have our own business as to why were here." Luna proclaimed. A'Sheleki looked in awe of Luna. She didn't know her well,but the authority coming out of her mouth demanded attention.
"Go on. Miss Girlboss. I am listening. " The gray haired woman said teasing Luna. She crossed her legs in her rocking chair. Azou was very excited and couldn't wait for what her and Luna had planned become reality.
"Well..how should I put this..um..we are going off a dream I had of a girl that gas both me and Azou's features combined. We were basically wondering. Is there a way you can do that?" Luna asked awkwardly and nervously. The shaman woman just sat in her chair for a moment trying to contemplate what was exactly happening here. Then it hit her.
"Follow me. But first let me get dressed. Where we're goin. No one had been in years. Trust me." The shaman said cryptically.