Chapter 5: The Lunazou Oddities

"Hmm what a very..interesting take here. This seems to be the first of it's kind. Well you are Lunazou. you still recognize me?" Silvia asked the fused girl. She scratched the back of her head and giggled.

" Of course I recognize you,your Luna's girl friend, but wait..sense Azou is also apart of me and she is Luna's sister, wouldn't that make things...awkward between us?" The blue girl pondered. Silvia didn't really care and hugged Lunazou as she was still thinking.

"Well..Azou isn't that big into polygamy, but just until well I go bye bye. We'll go with dating,just as long as your comfy with it Silvia. Afterall..I have my own personality." Said a snarky Lunazou.

Silvia laughed and giggled hugging the buxom girl from behind. She had a tape ruler to measure the thicker girl. It wasn't that Lunazou was fat,but it was that her..features and enhancements made some area's nearly immeasurable.

" are you gonna put on a bra? I just measured under your breasts, the middle of them and the top. Hmm..what an interesting one. I'd say your about a triple D cup if not a G. Be a first, and I thought Gala was stacked. Woman you are MASSIVE." Silvia said making Lunazou happy and proud.

"Why thank you. It took years to get this hourglass figure,toned belly and lean muscles. Let's not forget my thicc thighs and the centerpiece..this..juicy,round,tender,soft..ASS." Lunazou arrogantly said as she placed a hand on her rear provoking Silvia to smack it. Silvia refused and grabbed a newspaper, rolled it up and bonked the degenerate gremlin. "NO! NO HORNY! BAD!! BAD GIRL!!."

"Owie!! Okie. I stop. I was only having fun and being coy. Hmph." Lunazou says as she sits on the bed and lays down. From Silvia's perspective she could barely see in between the girl's thighs. They were that thick. Once she did see the careless girl's nether regions, Silvia grabbed a blanket and covered her.

"Do you not care how anyone sees you?!" The white haired girl yelled to Lunazou. Lunazou shrugged her shoulders and smirked instead. "It doesn't matter. When we meet people,it'll be like I'm a celebrity or something. Hell even now I don't know how I look to people. Even though they can't tell,I feel like everyone is staring at me and judging my appearance." Lunazou replied.

"That isn't the point girl. Just cause you got a body that I would KILL for,doesn't mean you should just flaunt it." Silvia argued. She left Lunazou alone in the bedroom and went to Luna and Azou's dragonkin grandmother Elena,there Silvia told her the measurements and sat next to the tall woman as she began to sew.

" What troubles you Silvia?" Elena asked with her breathy,yet peaceful voice.

"I don't understand how those two merged bodies in the first place. Something just seems so off about Lunazou. It pales in comparison to how Azou or Luna would even act. What's happening to them?" Silvia asked the girls tall grandmother. Elena sighed and looked away. She had a soft spot for Lunazou,and wanted to protect her.

" I think what happened to them is that..they are growing up. Both of them are still young girls,lacking the knowledge and experience of adulthood. Even though Luna is nineteen and Azou is three years ahead of her. Both have had a lot of difficulties in their lives to face. Especially Azou, let us not forget she died to protect Luna from Ghost Wound." Elena says hoping to have Silvia understand.

"But why? Why is Lunazou so..different. So far,she is a bit..much. Like she flashed everyone and wasn't embarrassed nor phased, she walks with this confidence like she is the strongest one here..well..maybe. That's debatable. " Silvia noted. Just then Elena's son Zuma floats in and offers his wisdom.

"It is not because of simply Luna nor Azou my future daughter-in-law, but the innermost parts of their personality that were kept hidden are coming to the surface. Lunazou is correct in the regard, she has her own personality, likes,interests, dislikes and views. It's almost like she herself is a being that was just waiting to be set free. Perhaps..its poetic for the torment Fafir put Luna through and the untimely death Azou suffered." Says the father of Azou and Luna.

"But that means..that Lunazou will continue to do anything she wants?" Silvia questioned.

"Oh no,not at all. It is more like..Lunazou has finally been freed from her chains, and she is taking control. Fear not. I am still her father and Skyra her mother,if she gets out of hand,I shall reign my judgement and punishment upon my daughter." Zuma says making his mother laugh.

" You were a firecracker once too my son. My baby boy..Momma's little dragon-god hehe. I am so proud of how far you came my baby. I remember when you were born over one thousand years ago. Then came Emma your sister." Elena says crawling to her son and kissing his bald head. Zuma blushes as his mother was always affectionate towards him.

"'re embarrassing me." Zuma says shyly as Elena laughs her ass off.

"All joking aside,I was right about these two. They are both growing up. One day..they may save Neo and the whole universe. As a parent and a deity of course..I've sense a strange,yet amazing source of power just from Lunazou..think I'll call it..Inner Will. Each being,living or dead has a inner will,the higher it is reflects not just mental or physical strength,but ALL of their being. Take Galastrom for example her Inner Will was strong enough to fight the Great Beast Numanag. She won the fight,but lost the war causing her to die and leave Gala all alone." Zuma explained.

"So..the higher their Inner Will is,the stronger they become?" Silvia asks.

"Yes,but it can also be used for evil. I believe Lunazou is just using it for good. If corrupted like Fafir, there is no telling how strong he's become. And if his daughter Destiny was alive she would be so strong her Inner Will needs a whole planet for it and it alone. According to Neotic God Book 4 it states. "That if a Primordial Deity( Fafir) in this cast were to have a child from the Queen of the Gods,then that child could bring about the end of all time or give birth to a savior. " Zuma finished.

"What does it mean? How powerful would a Primordial Deity be? Are they the most powerful beings in the universe?" Silvia questioned.

"We don't know,we have never seen one,but we are theorizing that they are the greatest of all the gods. The Beyonders are a little higher than Nea,yet they let Fafir..a Primordial being. One who originally sided with Nea yet disobeyed her instructions,was banished and is now among us." Zuma explained to his mother and Silva.

Amazed by his knowledge Silvia wonder how strong her Inner Will was,she figured not much since she was only part human and part Shifting. A mere mortal girl amongst deities and beings that would rock the cosmos. Speaking of Skyra walked in pinching Lunazou's ear. The blue girl had chocolate all over her face.

"You aren't getting away with eating desert missy,just cause you have a rockin' body,means nothing. That was supposed to be for EVERYONE. " Skyra angrily says smacking Lunazou's bare butt. With the perfect opportunity to make everyone uncomfortable Lunazou let out a very erotic moan.

"Oooooooaaaahhh..mmm..harder Mommy!!" The blue girl says unashamed. The others were all blushing, uncomfortable and felt awkward. Lunazou happily skipped away and sang as if nothing happened.

"Well used to be like that too, still are,just not as much of a lewd degenerate now compared to before my grandchildren were born." Elena commented. Skyra was speechless, she walked away and grabbed Zuma by his hand. There Silvia bowed to show respect to Luna and Azou's grandmother. Just then the tall woman finshed sewing the outfit for Lunazou.

"She may not like it,but this should make it VERY difficult to tear,burn,waterlog or even incinerate. But first ya gotta get her to put it on." Elena said before she retires to her bedroom.

"Yeah..I'll get help with that." Silvia agreed. Shocked at how she volunteered to convince Lunazou. Silvia giggled and walked into the bathroom where she found her blue friend was showering. She was covered in soap suds,and the water was pouring off her body.

She figured if she were to undress herself and also enter the shower,Lunazou wouldn't suspect a thing. So she did just that. She folded the outfit,placed it on the sink counter and shut the bathroom door. As soon as she got naked and tiptoed into the water. The convincing was on.

"Hey lil want me to wash your back?" She asked teasingly while Lunazou was soaping her skin up. Her eyes were also closed so she didn't know anyone was in the shower with her. She blushed and turned around slowly.

"Ohh!! You startled me..Uhhh..yeah sure Silvia. Umm..what's wrong?" Lunazou asked suspiciously. Silvia leaned against the wall of the shower and crossed her arms. "N..nothing just figured..two girls showering together. Can't get as pure as that can it?" Silvia nervously said.

"Mmmhmm..I'm part Luna remember. I know your tricks..What are you up to?" The girl asked a nervous Silvia. " I said nothing..I just wanted to shower is all. I got nothing up my sleeves..well I'm naked so..I have no sleeves..Heh..ehehe." she awkwardly laughs. Lunazou turns away from Silvia. Just when Silvia has the opportunity she forgot that Lunazou's attractive body in itself is a lure.

"That..back..those thick yet smooth shoulders,her four arms are cute too. But..oh no. Not now!!" Silvia internally exclaimed. Forgetting that she was born with a penis..hers seemed to have awaken and twitched a little. Silvia looked away from the girl to avoid any embarrassment.

" stay down..we gotta look away." Silvia whispered to herself. Lunazou was to involved with her shower to noticed, but Silvia was struggling not to look at her shower mate's rear end.

"Silvia? Is that you? Everything okay back there. Your awfully quiet. " Lunazou asked curiously. Lunazou was getting ready to shampoo and condition her long black hair. She flipped it all over her face and began to lather her hair. This wasn't a good time as she also dropped the shampoo body. She bends over to pick it up revealing all her goodies to Silvia.

"!! I..I don't wanna do anything I'll regret but she's practically beginning for it now. So juicy,big and...yummy looking." Silvia thought. Her horny thoughts made her cast a full erection. This wasn't good as the tip touched Lunazou's butt.

"W-What's that poking my butt?" Lunazou wondered. The Azou inside her was alarmed and screamed. "Gah! What are you pervert!" Lunazou yelled with a flustered expression. Her hands were shaking,,she turned around and saw Silvia was at full mast. Silvia tried to hide it but failed. Lunazou tried to cover herself with her soapy hands. Yet she couldn't hide her most intimate parts from Silvia any longer.

"'s nothing..I mean..sorry..I really am sorry. I just..I was just..I just..I.." Silvia stuttered. Lunazou's eyes widened and she took in a deep breath. "Look..perhaps we need to explain some boundaries here. You are LUNA'S girlfriend and whatever freaky deaky stuff you two do is none of my business, BUT you are not Azou's and when AZOU is in control you keep that...MONSTROSITY away from me. The best way to know who is speaking or is in control look at the eyes."Lunazou warned.

" Luna is blue,Azou is green. However..hehe..Lunazou is a fuchsia pinkish color. And..both eyes are fuchsia. So..what should I do to you? Hmmm..I wonder." The naked blue girl said seductively.

Lunazou pondered as she looks at Silvia's wet,naked body.

"Uhhh..dont you dare touch me! Luna can do whatever she wants,but not you or Azou. I..I'm not a pervert just because I can look at your big round melons and.." Silvia stammered on her words as Lunazou looked Silvia in her eyes. She mushed her massive bosom upon Silvia's and placed all four hands on her womanly hips.

"And what? You ain't gonna get Luna back for when she diddle Fafir that one time? Now is your chance..I won't tell hehehe. " Lunazou evily giggled. Silvia was more aroused than ever. She knew she was in danger.

" are a pervert! I..I..will NEVER sleep with you,let alone give you a piece of my body,you sicko!!" Silvia exclaimed.

"I could easily hold you here against your will. It would be easy. Your nothin' but a wannabe. What happened to the Silvia that was a legit bully and a menace, don't feel so good now does it?" Lunazou says intimidating Silvia.

Silvia didn't answer. She was trying to think of a plan. A plan to get the fused girl into that outfit that was placed neatly on the counter but what? She didn't want to take advantage of the situation or give in to her carnal desire.

"Silvia...Silvia..look at me." Lunazou commanded. Silvia reluctantly did so. She was hard and couldn't care less if Lunazou caught her staring. She was a rock in a hard place.

" are one hot..cute..girl. Your also very,very pretty..and sexy..I mean..Wow!!" Lunazou exclaimed. Silvia blushed. Lunazou ran her hands through Silvia's long silky white hair. "She's very impatient ain't she?" Lunazou said tracing her finger around Silvia's tip.

"I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..uh..mmmmm.." Silvia said turning a beet red. Just then she saw the shampoo body. With enough force applied, Silvia pushed Lunazou to her butt. As the blue girl slipped and plopped downwards the naked white haired warrioress got out the bathtub, grabbed the outfit and unfolded it.

"A..leotard?! Whatever..Lunazou..It's time to be clothed hold still." Silvia said as she unzipped the back. She then removed an towel and placed it over the girl's head.

"Wait..wait..wait..a second.." Lunazou said as Silvia wrapped the cloth around her. She could clearly see her penis was still hard. She tripped Silvia who landed on the floor. Before she could make contact with the floor,the blue girl was far faster and stronger. With one hand alone. Lunazou held the girl against the wall. Her fucshia eyes now glowed and smiled as she licked her lips.

"You want all this? Then get revenge against what Luna did to you hehehe." Lunazou taunted shaking her wide hips.

"What are you talking about? Luna didn't do anything to me..not saying I liked what she did but I didn't hate it." Silvia replied. Lunazou smirked knowing her prey was lying. "She got dicked down by everyone's WORST enemy and LIKED it. She's a harlot and you still date her. Why not take revenge. It's yours!!" Lunazou exclaims.

"I'm still dating her because I forgiven her. She said she would never do it again and she promised!! I will NEVER,EVER cheat on her. I will even MARRY her. And no one will stop me." Silvia says kicking her feet.

"Marry her huh..I'll give you that one. But only if you give me something in return." Lunazou said as she started to rub her cock. Silvia gasped and looked away. She knew that if she let her guard down,Lunazou would take her. She was so close to giving herself to the blue monster.

"What?" Silvia questioned nervously.

"A little Silvia action is all I ask for,after all. My fucshia eyes say I'm Lunazou,I am in control here and I.." Just then Lunazou's eyes reverted back to their heterochromia state. The left was green and the right was a light blue. Happy that She saw a little bit of Luna. Silvia hugged this variation of Lunazou.

"Luna..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I..I'm so sorry. You were so hot.and I..can you forgive me baby?" Silvia said to the Luna side of Lunazou.

"Uh..okay..yeah..I can,though I have no idea what happened. Look were still Lunazou. Just call us Lunazou,it makes things less complicated. Also..why is your meat stick rigid. We didn't even have sexy time yet. Well we can't outta respect for Azou. She's into dudes...I think." Lunazou said giggling.

"Well..I guess I can do that. But you better be careful. I will never forgive you if you hurt Luna. Got it?" Silvia said grabbing the towel off Lunazou's head.

"Why would we hurt ourselves. Hmm? Did something happened that we weren't even aware of? If so..tell us.when we defuse ok?" Lunazou said. Silvia hugged Lunazou and showed her the leotard. It featured a green top while the bottom was black. Lunazou happily put it on and it fit like a glove. Silvia wrapped up in a towel and was relieved she dodged a bullet. A rather strong,curvy,sexy blue bullet for that matter.

"Pervert. Although..I admit..I would've let her do whatever she wanted to me,just as long as I could enjoy it..I wish Luna was more forceful in bed..than again she's a masochist,maybe I'll meet THAT Lunazou next hehe. " Silvia said plotting for next time. She gets dressed and pretends it never happened only to see ol' Fuchsia Eyes is back and laying on her bed.

"Pretty steamy. Things were pretty steamy. I say you're six inches at best hehehe. Don't think I'll sit on the sidelines for long. Come to bed and rest Silvy." The Fuchsia Eyed Lunazou says.

"Fine..but you promise that this will never happen again,okay? I love Luna and I'll never cheat on her..even if you try to seduce me. Besides..I know you wanted me." Silvia replied. She laid in bed next to the blue beauty.


3 AM the blue beauty awakes. This time her eyes are an bright green. Even brighter than Silvia's. This Lunazou shakes Silvia awake. Silvia mumbles and grumbles.

"Get up Silvia. I..I think I heard's scaring me? Can you check pwease?" The Green Eyed Lunazou asks. Silvia looked at Lunazou's eyes and grabbed a piece of paper to indicate what personality was taking over and whom.

"Heterochromia is Normal,Fuchsia is Lustful,demanding and overall a sex deviant and..Green she's kinda shy and scared." Silvia noted as she petted a scared Lunazou's head.

"It's okay beautiful, the scary monster is gone. Hehe. Just relax I'll protect you. I'll call you Green Eyes. So cute." Silvia commented. Lunazou blushed as she was being petted by her lover. Silvia licked her lips and got up. She grabbed a pen and wrote on the paper.

"When in doubt,inform me of your status.. It's very important cause two deity sisters merging into one has NEVER been done before. Just relax for now Gre. Gre sounds cuter." Silvia says rubbing the Green Eyed Lunazou's head. She rolled to her tummy and lifted her butt wiggling it so Silvia could pat it.

"Buttpats pwease..I need'sa pats." Lunazou says. Silvia rubbed her butt cheeks.

"Oh..oh..ohhh..feels so goooood." Lunazou moans. Silvia kept going. After a few more minutes. Soon the two fell asleep,Silvia was pooped from dealing with the chaos that was Lunazou. Poor girl. They both were now sleeping peacefully.