The Lost World Pt 2

"What's the lost world?" Toata asks. "Come I'll show you." She looks at Toata and reaches out her hand, just like the dream. Toata slowly reaches out to grab it. Blossom looks at him and says "I don't bite, promise." Toata let's out a little laugh and grabs her hand. Blossom reaches out with her other hand and says "Kariaha." A portal appears under them and they fall. Toata is confused cause he went from the ground to the sky. As he's falling he looks down and sees a familiar town. He sees his house, the academy and pretty much the rest of the town, but beaten up and old, kind of like a battleground. He turns to Blossom and asks "What's going on?" She turns and reply's with "This is the lost world." It all started to make sense in Toata's head. The lost world because it's in ruins like a lost or an abandoned place. Toata looks down again and quickly sees the he's about to hit the ground. "Um Blossom we're ABOUT TO HIT THE GROUND!" Toata yells. Blossom looks at him. "Don't worry I got this." Right before they hit the ground they freeze. Toata face looks amazed "Are we flying?" Toata asks. "Uh huh, that's my Kio". Blossom says. "Kio?" Toata asks himself in his head.

They land in front of a small building. They enter. "This place is so jagged and ruined." Toata says while smacking spider webs. "Oh that's our decoy." Blossom says. Toata looks at Blossom and notices the outfit change. She is now wearing some black cargo shorts and a pink cropped hoodie. "When did you change your outfit?" Toata asks. "Oh yeah, when you come into the Lost World you have you're own battle ready outfit." She says. She points at him and smiles "Seems like you got style yourself." She says. Toata looks at his outfit and is amazed. He is now wearing a white long hooded coat, with combat boots, and long black armored pants. "This is neat." He says. "Right!" Blossom responds. They continue walking and they go to a door. Blossom opens the door and starts going down long stairs. "Wow these are some long stairs." Toata thinks to himself. "I know these stairs are pretty long but it won't kill you trust me." Blossom says. "Can she read my mind?" Toata says to himself. "It's ok." Toata replies. "Well I hope so cause I will meet you at the bottom." Blossom replies. Toata turns around to say what but before any words can come out he sees Blossom falling down. "BLOSSOM!" Toata yells out. Quickly he sees Blossom back up, smiling at him. Toata looks angry cause he feels like she's mocking him. "Forgot about this huh?" She says giggling at Toata. "Yeah, yeah whatever." Toata replies. She reaches her hand out and says "Come on let's go." Toata looks at her hand and says "You just love that line?" "Perhaps." She replies. Toata grabs her hand and they fly down. They reach the bottom. "Ok now that we're here, what now? There's a big door." Toata says. Blossom puts her hand on the door and it proceeds to open. "Looks can be very deceiving." She walks in. "Or you can just be strong as hell." Toata mumbles. Toata walks in a sees a lady in a chair likes she's a queen. "Hey mom. I'm back and I brought Toata with me." Blossom says. Blossom mother stands up and walks down to Toata. "So your Toata?" She asks Toata let's out a gulp. " Yup that's me." She puts her hands on his face and says "You're so cute." Toata looks scared as he says. "Thank you ma'am." Blossom looks irritated. "Mother stop you're looking unprofessional." "I'm sorry he's just so cute." The mother replies. "Your 60 mother." Blossom says. "SHES 60? But she looks so young!" Toata says in his head. "How can you even say that about your own mother, don't you love me Blossom?" She says in a very dramatic way. "No." Blossom replies. "My feelings." She says. She turns and looks at Toata. "You love me right Toata?" She's ask. "Yes ma'am." Toata replies in a scared tone. "Thank you Toata!" She says with a smile. "Seriously stop." Blossom says. Blossoms mother fixes herself and replies "Fine." "What the heck just happened." Toata says to himself. The headmasters face gets serious as she says "Ok in all seriousness, I'm the headmaster of the Lost World. I called you down here to start attending the academy here in the lost world." Toata points to himself "You want me? Why? I have no powers or use." The headmaster points at Toata. "Yes you. You're powers are soon to awaken which is why I brought you here. The Headmaster replies. "This is a lot to take in right now." Toata says. "Don't worry you can settle in the dorms for now." The headmaster replies. Toata looks confused and asks "The dorms?" Blossom cuts in and says. "Oh yeah, you're confused because it's something we built in the Lost World, so that means you wouldn't be able to see it in Earth." "Ah I see." Toata replies. "You catch on quick." The Headmaster says. "Even though I got no sleep, I was a A+ student." Toata says. "Don't forget he's also a fighter." Blossom says. Toata turns confused. "How do you know that?" Blossom giggles "A girl has her ways." "Well it was nice to meet you Toata, but I have a meeting to attend to at the moment." The Headmaster says. Toata gets nervous " Um, nice to meet you too." The Headmaster laughs. "You're so cute when you're nervous." Blossom gets that irritated look again "Mother!" The headmaster turns to Blossom. "Whoops that just slipped right out."

She giggles. Blossom rolls her eyes into a face palm "I swear I don't know how I deal with you." The headmaster stops laughing.

"Oh I almost forgot, you and Blossom are assigned to Squad F." Toata gets that confused look again "Squad F?" "Yes, we tend to move in squads, and I'm assigning you and Blossom to Squad F." The headmaster replies. "Blossom you know where that is right?" The headmaster asks. "Yes mother." Blossom replies. "Alright then go on now, you're team is already expecting you." The headmaster says. "Yes ma'am I'll do my best". Toata says. She starts laughing. "Yes I know you will." The headmaster replies.

They walk out the room. Toata puts his hands out. Blossom looks and smiles. Toata looks back and smiles. "You really are a quick learner." Blossom says. "One of my many perks." Toata replies. Blossom grabs his hands and they fly out.


They reach the hallway of which their dorm is in. "Are you ready to enter?" Toata asks Blossom. Blossom looks at him and giggles. "I should be asking you that." They open the door to see three people. "Hey give me my phone back Furaku!" A long blacked hair girl, with purple eyes, black tank top, short black jeans, a glove and black boots asks. "Haha you gotta catch me first Mira." A short silky hair boy and an umbrella says. Another girl with white hair and a light blue highlights and a white scarf, turns around in a soft sweet tone asks "Hey can you guys calm down?" Furaku turns around. "But this is so fun Shiro". Shiro starts shaking and slowly points behind Furaku. "Um Furaku be…hind you…" Furaku turns around slowly and starts shaking. As when he turns around he sees Mira giving him a death stare. "I caught you." Mira says while grabbing Furaku by the neck. "I'm so….r…ry." Furaku tries to say. "Sorry ain't gonna cut it." Mira says while shaking Furaku. Toata has a worried and confused look on his face, while Blossom has a smile on her face. Toata looks and notices how big this place is. "This is supposed to be a dorm? This is practically a house." Toata says to himself. Shiro turns and notices the two. "Um Mira, Furaku? The two new members are here." Mira stops strangling Furaku and drops him. Furaku falls and stars appear above his head. Mira walks up to the two and says "Well you two are Blossom and Toata huh? Nice to meet ya." She puts her hands out to shake their hands. Toata hesitates to shake it. "Um nice to meet you too." Mira turns to shake Blossoms hand. Blossom puts her hands out to shake Mira hands "Very nice to meet you." Furaku gets up and instantly got his energy back. He goes to shake Toata's hand. "Wow he's fast." Toata says to himself. "Hi I'm Furaku." He awaits Toata's handshake. Toata goes to shake his hand "Im Toata nice to meet yo- OW!" Before Toata could finish his sentence Furaku shocks him. "Why would you do that!" Toata shouts. Furaku erupts with laughter. "YOU ACTUALLY FELL FOR IT HAHAHAHA!" Mira balls up her fist and hits him in the head. "OOF." Furaku falls. Shiro walks up nervously but sweetly and greets them. Creeeeeek. The hear a creek of a door and turn around but Toata who is still in pain from the shock. "Alright Squad F meeting is in session." A Man says. Toata slowly turns around and says. "I know that voice. Mizu?"