Kaiju troubles!!!

The kaiju looks back down at Shiro, it gets closer and closer. A fire arrow shoots throw the kaiju hands. 

"Back the hell away from my sister!" Ember says with Blaze in her hands.

Shiro finally snaps from her empty state. "Em?"

"I'll let the world burn before you I let anyone take Shiro away from me again!" Ember says as she aims another arrow at the kaiju.

The kaiju lets out a horrifying roar, Ember with no hesitation shoots it in the mouth. The Kaiju finally falls looking like that fire is the most damage he took all fight. 

"Em?" Shiro says in a shaky voice. Ember turns around. "Hey sis." Ember says. "But, but, I thought you wer-?" Shiro asks. "I'll tell you everything soon, but right now, we got something else to handle." Ember replies as the kaiju slowly gets up. "You can't defeat that thing on your own." Shiro says. "Well it's a good thing she's not alone." Toata says. Shiro turns around to see Squad F. "Guys." Shiro says with a soft smile. "We'll beat this beast." Mira says. The squad nods. Mizu who is holding Furaku's unconscious body, lays Furaku next to Shiro. "Squad F move out!" Mizu says as the squad rushes towards the kaiju, Mizu stays behind. "What happened to him?" Shiro asks as she starts healing him. "He did everything in his power to protect you, now its your turn to protect him." Mizu says, then rushes to join the rest of the squad. Shiro looks at Furaku. "Oh Furaku." She says as she blushes. 

Squad F and the help of Ember proceed to attack the kaiju.

They do the best they can but seems like its only taking significant damage from Sylric and Ember. 

"Everyone regroup for a second!" Mizu shouts. Everyone runs over while dodging rocks and other attacks the kaiju is sending towards them. 

"Nothing is working against this thing" Mira says. "So it seems, but i've been observing." Mizu says. "And what were u able to figure out?" Mira asks. The kaiju shoots a beam at them. They all jump to the skies and dodge the beam. "It's weakness is fire, anything that can burn it is our safest bet. So our best chance is Sylric and Ember. Toata you gotta stay on support for this one." Mizu explains. "Damnit, fine i'll help out however I can." Toata says. "Alright squad lets get this done." Mizu says.

They all go back to fighting. 

Even with the new plan the kaiju still won't go down.

Toata gets an idea. "Blossom!" Toata shouts. "Kinda in the middle of something." Blossom says while dodging attacks. Toata propels himself to her "I have a plan." He says as he quickly falls back to the ground. Blossom follows behind and catches him, soothing his landing. "What is it? Blossom asks. "The academy has an intercom right?" Toata asks. "Ofc it does, but why?" Blossom asks? "Sylric and Ember isn't gonna be enough to take this thing down, we need reinforcements." Toata explains. "You wouldn't make it in time." Blossoms says. "Sure, I wouldn't if I was alone, but with you I could." Blossom thinks about it, she looks at the squad and how tired and defeated they are beginning to look. "I trust you to make the right choice, lets go." Blossom says. They smile at each other and proceed to head out. "We'll be back, hold em off while were gone!" Toata shouts as they fly away.

"Oh that little!!" Mira says. "Thats enough, I know Toata he isn't running, he's about to change the course of this whole battle." Mizu says. "But why do I gotta stay here while he-, oh forget it, ahhhhhh!!" Mira says as she charges at the kaiju.

Toata and Blossom reach the academy as they rush towards the intercom room. They reach it.

"Okay this is it." Blossom says. Toata steps towards the mic. "Apologies students for the sudden announcement, but this message goes out to any body who has any burning abilities. There is a giant kaiju on the loose by the Squad tournament facility. My squad is fighting it off right now but we aren't strong enough to take it out, please im begging for all you guys help." Toata begs. Blossom walks up to he mic. "And for anyone who decides not to show up i'll have my mother find and expel you." Blossom says as she puts the mic down. She immediately covers her stomach and balls up. "Are you okay?" Toata asks. "Yeah, I just hate using my authority, makes me feel like one of those spoiled rich girls." Blossom explains. "Yeah I get you." Toata says. He reaches out his hand and signals to head back. Blossom grabs it and they head back to the battlefield.


Squad F are doing their best but looks like they can give out at any minute. The kaiju begins to charge up a huge blast, ready to shoot at everyone. He begins to shoot going in a 360. It doesn't hit anyone directly but pushes everyone back. The kaiju notices the one closest to it is Ember, it proceeds to aim another huge blast pointed at her.

"NO!" Shiro shouts.

Shiro starts getting sporadic flashbacks to how they took Ember away, the village burning, how she couldn't help anyone, and how the kaiju is seconds away from killing Ember. 

"NO!" She shouts again.

The kaiju shoots the blast and Ember braces for impact.

"NO!" Shiro shrieks.

Squad F sees the blast and look in disbelief.

They see Shiro standing in front of Ember nullifying the blast. She has a single teal flame over her head, white fox like ears appear on her head and a teal fire tail appears behind her. Shiro broke her inner lock. 

Shiro pulls off her scarf. "Come to me YUMI!" Her scarf turns into a huge hammer.

"Shiro?" Ember says.

"Don't you dare hurt my sister!" Shiro shouts.