The Prison Break

 While Carmine's union workers were very expensive, the results they brought couldn't be denied. Wayne Manor was changed to a classy casino in less than six months, and even a few weeks ahead of schedule. The manor already looked like a palace, and that's what was going to draw the deep pockets in to spend money. On opening night, high rollers from all over the world didn't hesitate to fly into Gotham to check the place out. The place was a success even beyond Thomas and Carmine's inflated expectations. Thomas wasn't kidding when he said the place would be making a fuck ton of cash, as the casino wheeled in more income in a week than Carmine's club could generate in an entire year. While the Manor was being turned into a money-making machine, Thomas used the same construction to hide work that was being done below the manor, as he constructed a headquarters for the work he was going to proceed with as a vigilante. For the first few months, Thomas wore the body armor with a ski-mask but it really didn't have the effect he wanted it to have. He remembered something Falcone said at the dinner table one night while they were doing a casino powwow over pasta and wine.

 "A mask is fine, you need to hide who you are. I get it." Falcone started, "But anyone can put a mask on, which means you're being too anonymous. When you approach someone, even though you want your actual identity masked... you still want those punks to know what kind of beating they're about to get without having to explain it first. You need to create a character, a persona if you will. That way when someone meets you in an alley, they'll shit their pants on the spot. Hell, they might even sing like bird and give up the creep they're working for."

 Although Thomas would never admit it, Carmine was right. Just appearing with the body gear and a mask wasn't having the response he wanted hoping for. It took too long for some of these criminals to realize what's going on and by then, their asses are usually already kicked. He was going to have to spruce things up, give the body armor the persona as Falcone had suggested. Thomas had no idea what kind of persona he was going to use, and spent most of that night thinking about it in the cave below the manor. And after he spent the whole night down there pondering over idea with a bottle of crown, there was a noise that made him jump. Thomas had no idea what it was, but had to make sure it wasn't an intruder or someone lost from the casino. He checked the elevator from the bookcase in the den, but there was no one there. Then he checked the passage through the grandfather clock on the other side of the manor and there was still nothing. He heard the sound again, and it was coming from the other side of the cave. A part that Thomas hadn't actually taken the time to explore. He walked into a tunnel that led him towards the location of the sound. He was about halfway through the tunnel, when the source of the sound came at him. A flock of bats came scrambling through the cave, and Thomas covered his face and patiently waited as they all flew past him and into the main part of the cave to find a place to sleep. 

 When the bats were all gone, there was a light coming from the end of the tunnel. As he walked closer, Thomas was able to identify the source. It was the old well, and when Thomas reached the landing he looked up and instantly recognized it. He had been in this exact spot several months ago. The rope he used to shimmy himself down was still there, and he never took the time to come back to clean up. He looked down at the ground and remember what had happened. Bruce was playing and he didn't see the hole and had fallen into the unused well. When he didn't return for supper, he and Alfred looked all over the place for him and it was the old butler that found him. Thomas grabbed a rope and repelled down to the bottom of the well to fetch his son. He could still remember the look on Bruce's face when he came down the zip line to save him. The young man had been crying, but he was smiling ear to ear as he was happy to see his old man.

 "Hey there sport," Thomas said, as he reached the bottom. "You managed to give everyone quite the scare."

 "I'm sorry," Bruce said, feeling ashamed.

 "It's okay, Bruce," Thomas said, scuffing his hair tenderly. "There appears to be plenty of blame to go around. I should have had this area fenced off a long time ago. There are a lot more pitfalls around here, I'm just happy to see you're unhurt."

 "Just my ego," Bruce confessed.

 "Don't be so hard on yourself, son." Thomas said, "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

 "Sure," Bruce replied, as he was curious.

 "Tell me Bruce," Thomas started, "Why do we fall?"

 "It was an accident," Bruce said, "I swear!"

 "That's not what I meant," Thomas said, smiling at him. "I mean why do we fall at all in life, not just here. The answer is so that we can learn how to pick ourselves back up. We learn to do better, and be better people."

 "Oh," Bruce said, as he thought about it for a moment. "That's pretty cool."

 "I have my moments," Thomas said, as he inspected his son for broken bones. "You seem to be alright for the most part. Wanna lift outta here?"

 "Yes please," Bruce answered.

 His father leaned over and kissed the boy's brow. "Alright, let's get outta here."

 Thomas stood there at the bottom of the well, alone. The memory of what had happened there was still fresh in his mind. Bruce was unharmed that day but he was scared of what had happened before he showed up. The young boy let his mother know a few days later that a bunch of bats flew around and past him in the well, probably the same bats that just rushed him just then. For a young boy that had to be a terrifying experience, and it was this moment when Thomas was inspired to create the persona. A few weeks after finding the bats in the well, Thomas' new costume was ready to make his first appearance in Gotham. That particular night, two muggers, a rapist, and stalker were all soundly beaten up by a vigilante... dressed as a bat. Thomas decided to share what was his son's fear of bats with the criminals of Gotham's underworld. A few nights after he stared wearing it, the media didn't hesitate to give him a name and the Batman was born.

 Thomas took advantage of the new persona and the name the media had given him, creating a logo of a bat standing on red circle, as well as a new mask with pointy ears that made him impossible to identify. But to the criminals who were attacked, the badass handing them their asses was not impossible to mistake. It gave Thomas the presence he wanted when confronting scum on the streets of Gotham, as many crooks would tuck tail and run upon seeing him land in their alley. Thomas was pleased with the Bat persona, and soon every one of them will be afraid to walk the streets at night, afraid of the big bad bat.

 Thomas returned to the cave and took the elevator up to the casino to resume his alibi, when he had an unexpected guest waiting for him in his office. Falcone was there sitting on a chair, and his face upon seeing the secret door in the bookshelf in action was quite priceless.

 "So, that's how you've been getting out," Carmine said, standing up to look at it. "While everyone thinks you're up here, you're out kicking some ass."

 "I have a tech put my video on loop," Thomas said, pointing to the camera on the ceiling. "If the police ever ask where I was, I have video to prove it."

 "Very nice," Carmine said, "But speaking of the police, Jim Gordon and his partner are downstairs. They want to speak with you."

 "How long have they been here?" Thomas asked.

 "Less than thirty minutes," Falcone replied, "I said you were on an important call, but they insisted on waiting."

 "Did they tell you what it was about?" Thomas inquired.

 "They did not," Falcone replied, "I'll watch the floor while you take care of it."

 Thomas cleaned up in the bathroom in his office, and then descended the massive staircase to the lobby where he spotted Detective Gordon standing there waiting for him.

 "Jim," Thomas said as he came into earshot, "I apologize for keeping you guys waiting. I hope you haven't been here too long."

 "We haven't," Jim replied, "This is my partner, Harvey Bullock."

 "Pleased to meet you, detective." Thomas shaking his hand.

 "Pleasure is mine, Mister Wayne." Harvey replied. "Where's that British chap you always had around here... what was his name again?"

 "Alfred," Jim replied.

 "Mr. Pennyworth moved back to England," Thomas informed them, "He didn't like the plans I had for the manor, and resigned in protest."

 "A shame," Gordon said, "I thought he was rather nice."

 "He was," Thomas agreed, "I was sad to see him go, but he also wasn't the same since the shooting in the alley."

 "That's also why we're here," Gordon said, "We need to speak in private. It's rather important."

 "Come upstairs and we'll talk in my office." Thomas said, gesturing up the stairs.

 The two detectives followed him back up to his office and once the two men were seated, Thomas walked over to his mini bar and poured himself a drink.

 "Gentlemen?" Thomas said, holding up the bottle.

 "No thanks," Gordon said first, "We're on duty."

 "Fair enough," Thomas said as he sat down behind his desk. "So spill it Jim; what's got you and your partner all fired up?"

 "It's about your wife," Bullock answered, giving it to his straight. "When was the last time you saw her?"

 "Martha?" Thomas said, as the question came out of left field for him. "I'd have to say about three weeks."

 "Is it unusual for you to wait so long between visits?" Gordon asked, "I'm not implying anything, I just need to know." 

 "She started working with a new doctor." Thomas confessed, "Some dude with a weird name, I remember his first name was Hugo."

 "Yes, Doctor Hugo Strange." Bullock confirmed.

 "Doctor Strange, what a ridiculous name." Thomas said, chuckling. "Anyway, the good doctor asked me to give her a month of space. He wanted to start a new treatment and didn't want her to be distracted. Why do you ask?"

 "There was a prison break at Arkham last night." Gordon answered, "Over a dozen inmates broke out in the middle of the night and their absence wasn't noticed until the morning check."

 "Wait," Thomas said, as he sat up in his chair. "Was Martha one of the people that escaped last night?"

 "She was," Gordon confirmed, "And since the escape we have not been able to locate Doctor Strange. We fear he might be a hostage but cannot also rule out the possibility that he might have also been an accomplice."

 "What makes you say that?" Thomas asked.

 "All the patients that escaped," Bullock answered, "Were all being treated by Hugo Strange. He's the common link, and he didn't show up for work today."

 "Son of a bitch," Thomas said, as he hopped out of his chair and walked over to the big window that had an amazing view of Gotham's skyline. "So what you're telling me is Martha is out there, wandering about on her own?"

 "I'm afraid so," Gordon replied, "But we'll do whatever we can to bring her back in unharmed. We'll get her back to Arkham as soon as we can."

 "But if she attempts to contact you," Bullock added, "We'd appreciate a heads up so that we can try to trace or use whatever she tells you to find her and Strange."

 "Thank you for bringing this to my attention," Thomas said turning back to face them. "I will do anything in my power to assist you."

 "Thank you, Mr. Wayne." Gordon said as they shook hands. "If we hear anything, we'll get back to you."

 "Good luck, detective." Thomas said, watching the two men leave the room. He stood there processing what he was just told, and the moment the two men were down the stairs and out of his sight... Thomas drained the glass he was drinking, opened the secret door and went back to the cave. He knew exactly where she was going.