Chapter 97: Phil the best dad (Part 2)

"So Ed. Why are you avoiding going back home?" Phil said with a serious tone as I opened the door.

"I got exposed huh." I clicked my tongue before inviting him into the room. I turned off the laptop as I sat, and Phil was sitting right next to me.

"How did you find out?" I asked curiously.

[Phil's commentary]

"I had no idea about it. I was just reaching and when something came out of it I could only go with the flow." Phil said puzzledly as he never thought a simple question could expose so much more.

[Commentary ends]

Phil sighed and walked to the desk and sat next on my right side. He patted my right shoulder and said in a calming voice– while inwardly racking his brain to figure out how to gain my trust and make me believe that he actually knew about my predicament.

"You avoiding your home… is the opposite of everything I know about you. You love your home…Or at least that's what I thought. So will you tell me why you are not going back?"

His tone carried no hidden intention, and he was truly worried for my current emotional state. I rubbed my hair in frustration and said without looking at him, "I don't know. I have a lot of work-"

"Ed-" Phil said with a head tilt as if he already knew I was lying. I widened my eyes, glanced at him and sighed before saying, "The house…it's starting to look better."

"And that's troubling…why?" Phil asked without urging me for an answer. He waited patiently until I decided to open up and said, "It is weird."

"The house is weird?" He asked with puzzlement.

"The reason is weird." I clarified.

Phil nodded and said with a smile, "I love weird things. Try me."

I laughed a bit and took a deep breath before replying.

"Well… I kinda… feel suffocated there. Especially when I'm alone in the house." I said, feeling as if a stone was removed from my heart as I confessed my true thoughts.

Phil leaned forward, his face turned a bit more serious. "Did you start to feel this way when the house started to look 'normal' again?"

He was reminded of the messy and dilapidated looking house before, and started to piece all the clues together.

"Yeah." I said, rubbing my head together. Even I didn't understand my unease being alone at that house.

Yesterday when I slept with Taylor, I was extremely shocked when I felt at peace as I cuddled with her on the bed, knowing how difficult it was for me to go to sleep without the [Rest] skill that I had gotten. That was why I prolonged my stay here and was reluctant to go back home. I felt at ease here, or so I thought cause while I was still "ok" something was still missing. I knew I was avoiding something but I just decided to do what I had perfected and just ignore it all.

The good time was ruined by a simple statement from Taylor though.


While Ed and Taylor were cuddling on the bed, Taylor suddenly asked, "So… What are we?"


-Flashback ends-

"When it…started to look the way it did before… you know. Before "she" left the house... I-…the memories just kept popping up even at the slightest prompt, the simplest things would bring with them some past memories. The silence inside the house just kept tearing my psyche apart. My heart was torn as to whether I should love her or hate her-"

I took a deep breath to calm down and explained, "However, I didn't feel the same way with the silence here at the hotel. What was once torture became peace once again."

Phil nodded as I poured my heart out, and he kept listening without interrupting me.

"Then, if you want to enjoy the silence…why are you working really hard here?" He asked.

I opened my mouth a few times, and I couldn't find the answer.

He nodded in understanding and sighed. "You're searching for peace, yet, you surround yourself with chaos when you feel like you have found it."

My eyes lit up as I realized something. "I see. It's a contrast between the two feelings. If I don't find the source of it, confront it, and finally accept it… then, I will never feel at peace no matter where I go in the future."

"My work obsession can be associated with my lack of control during childhood. I was actually using work because when I am working I AM the boss so my word is law and I can finally feel that I am in control in my life. I'm surprised that you can see that Phil. You're really wise." I said, fully in awe at Phil's capabilities to connect with others on an emotional level.

Phil's mouth was agape as he didn't know what just happened.

[Phil's commentary]

"I wanted to say to him that 'maybe you're looking for peace at the wrong place. Maybe it isn't in the places you frequent, but the people you visit. But, he made me swallow my words as he suddenly achieved an emotional breakthrough on his own."

Phil was at a loss about what to do with the situation.

[Commentary ends]

"Sure. Let's go with that." Phil said while avoiding my worshiping eyes. "Anyway. I also want to talk to you about locking your front door. Alex, Haley, and even Claire have told me that you– Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

Phil was baffled as I was still having an awed look as he changed the subject.

"You saw through that too huh." I said solemnly, making Phil more confused than ever in his entire life.

The more 'normal' the house looked, the more uncomfortable it was for me to stay there. I guess that was why the previous "me" trashed the house.

I however, couldn't do as he did because I have major OCD, but I still couldn't accept the current situation either. I was stuck between the two lives, and I needed to get out of there hurriedly.

I told him about the suffocation, but I didn't delve deep into the matter. Phil nodded as he listened to my words attentively. He sighed before asking, "So. While you're alone…you didn't lock the door?"

"Yes. I left it that way…in case I needed to make a quick escape from the house."

Basically, I kept an escape route open in case I needed to make a quick gateway.

When the house was unlocked, the suffocation I felt became slightly…manageable.

At first, I thought I had developed claustrophobia, but, I quickly realized I only felt suffocated in my house. It was unsafe for me to do that, and I was aware of it. But I couldn't stop it. Because…where else could I go?

There was something genuinely wrong with me, and I needed some time outside the house to process the trauma the 12 year old kid had kept.

In the 2 days I lived here, I wasn't just working, but I was also deciphering the labyrinth of my memories and trying to find the cause for my current condition so that I could be at peace in my own home again.

"To be honest, even the lights out thing was also…" I confessed while scratching my cheek.

Phil widened his eyes and said, "What? Seriously? Did you trip Cam and let him splash the socket?"

"I didn't trip him…I just…didn't tell him there was an almond nut on the floor."

Phil thought for a while and said, "Nah. That wasn't your fault."

I looked at his face and said, "No. It WAS my fault-"

"No. You didn't purposely put the nut there right? You just didn't speak up. Also, don't tell Cam about this." Phil said before he shuddered as he thought about Cam's potential reaction to the news.

"It's okay to feel lost, Ed. Everyone feels lost at some point in time." Phil said comfortingly as he patted my head. "When that happens, what you can do is to find the answer at the route you haven't walked on yet. Or, ask a guide- a wise man for the answer."

I smirked and said teasingly, "So. Journey to self enlightenment? That's kinda cliche right? Should I go to my hometown in Wisconsin? Find a country girl to help me conquer the beautiful celebrity only to then finally figure out the thing I have been searching for was right in front of my eyes the whole time!"

"You can go the hallmark movie route too. Or, you can try to make the city…more bearable first before deciding to move far far away."

"Like what?"

Phil then smiled at me and offered, "Why don't…you come stay at our house instead? Just to take your mind off the house thing…. O-"

I shook my head and said, "No Phil. That's just avoiding the problems."

"I wanted to say 'Or'." He interjected with a smile. "Or, if the house feels suffocating. Then maybe…what you need is a new change."

"Change?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah. Change. Smash the bricks. Change the tiles, the wallpapers, the furniture."

My eyes lit up as I thought about it.

"Change the lawn. Break a few walls. Make it a whole new house. Then, you won't find it familiar anymore. You won't get reminded of your life again before it gets better."

"That might work. I CANNOT believe I didn't think about this before." I said in disbelief as I looked at Phil with my mouth agape. I stood up and said decisively. "I just have to smash the whole house, and build the entire thing anew from the ashes!"

Phil was horrified and said hurriedly, "Wait. NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!"

After an intense discussion on whether or not I should burn the whole house to the ground, I left the hotel with Phil late at night to get back to the neighborhood. After all, I still had school tomorrow. And no, I wouldn't be sleeping at the Dunphy's. My dad was home, so as long as I wasn't alone, I wouldn't suffer staying in the house as much.

"Ed. We need to talk." Ted said as I walked into the house. "Hmm?" I was confused by his sudden sternness, and saw Phil having a conflicted expression on his face as he stood beside me.

"Do you know what this is?" Dad said, taking out a crumpled paper bag.

"...Trash?" I guessed in confusion, not understanding what he wanted to do here.

My reaction made Dad confused. He looked at Phil who was shaking his head at him, gesturing him not to go on with it, however he ignored the hints.

"This…is marijuana." Dad said with gritted teeth.

I tilted my head in confusion and said, "So. We're having a party or something?"

"Ed. What your dad is trying to say is…we found marijuana in the attic. Do you know anything about it?" Phil said, trying to salvage the situation. However, Ted was already fuming from Ed's response.

[Phil's commentary]

"If I didn't know about his thoughts and disorder, I would have the same reaction as Ted. But if I think about it…Marijuana is used to lessen anxiety. If Ed uses it, I'm sure it's not for fun."

[Commentary ends]

"That's not mine." I said honestly after noticing my dad's facial expression. 'Who the hell would keep their stash in the attic? I never kept any stash around the house, so it's not me.' I contemplated as I realized why dad was so mad.

"I don't smoke weed. And there's only two people left in this house." Dad said with gritted teeth.

"So by elimination, the weed is mine?" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes before walking closer to my dad and snatching the paper bag from him.

"What the-" Dad almost cursed, but I opened the paper bag and smelled the marijuana inside of it. My face grimaced as I smelled the musty smell, and said, "This must have been up there for years. Not only that the damp atmosphere up there had ruined the plant, it was also real cheap shit."

"Hmm?" Dad was confused and asked, "It's been there for years?"

I checked the yellow paper bag and said, "Dad. It's been there so long that the original white paper bag had turned into a yellow one." I showed him some traces of discoloration on the paper bag before saying, "Also. Nowadays, the new hybrid weed strain has taken over the market as it's low in THC. This one is not."

Phil nodded, but Dad raised one of his eyebrows. "And…how do you know so much about the plant?"

I would've twitched my body if I didn't have the acting talent. I just looked discontentedly at him and said childishly, "Because Edward is such a good good boy." I rolled my eyes in displeasure and smacked the paper bag on my dad's stomach before he took it from my hand.

"I'm vying to become an artist. Made over 2 million dollars in less than 4 days. Do you really think I would risk that over some shitty weed?" I decided to gaslight him to sculpt the point inside his head. Dad was abashed and said, "So…Whose is it?"

"How should I know? Maybe Miran-"

"No. Ed. She's still your mom." Dad said decisively. I clicked my tongue and said, "Anyway. Her."

Dad fell into deep thought while I walked away to the kitchen to grab a drink. After I came back, dad didn't pursue the matter anymore even though he was still feeling suspicious about the matter.

Phil sighed and said, "Why is your family relationship so strained? It must be because of the drugs. Now I finally understand why the government banned these drugs. They must be tearing up happy families." Phil said with gritted teeth as he held the paper bag in his hand.

"This type of stuff. Should be destroyed!" He said and threw the paper bag into the fireplace. I was shocked, but I didn't react.

"Phil? What did you do?" Ted said in horror before turning off the fireplace using a switch, but the plant had already been lit up.

"What? This type of stuff didn't belong in a home." Phil said decisively.

"I should prepare the snacks." I said as I saw clouds of smoke coming out from the fireplace. In less than 5 minutes, all three of us were sitting nearby the fireplace with a funny smile on our faces.

"Phil. You're the best dad ever." I muttered to Phil, before we all laughed together.

"I need some snacks." Ted said as he licked his lips. "Put them in a bowl." He chattered, then he had a high revelation. "Bowl. It's a weird word. I never noticed that before."

Ed turned to Phil and talked to him while Ted was constantly muttering the word bowl in different intonation and nuances.

"You should come with us to family camp this summer." Phil said excitedly.

"I need to go Wiscount- Wiscount…Wis count what?"

"Sheep?" Phil replied. "One sheep. Two sheep." He tried to joke, but then he got sleepy as he continued.

"Dad. Should we go to Cuba?" Ed asked suddenly.


2 days passed by quickly, and it was now Tuesday.

"Mr Newgate. You need to answer test papers from multiple subjects today. Are you prepared?" Mrs Henderson asked.

After a heart-to-heart discussion with my dad (Under the influence of weed), he finally agreed to let me skip grades and to enter grade 11 directly next year. I would be skipping the freshman and sophomore year in high school if I managed to score in all of the examinations today.

"I'm ready." I said to Mrs Henderson as I sat alone in the class with her. She was appointed as the examiner by the principal, and would conduct the test as harshly as she could under the request of my dad.

The pressure was great, therefore I had unlocked the memory from the year 2175 that I got from the gacha before and had comprehended even PhD level of knowledge in various subjects such as biochemistry, rocket science, and even medicine. With the knowledge, I finished the air fryer schematics and would start building it after the decathlon.

'I really didn't expect to have so much knowledge from just a simple low quality memory gacha. But it seems the owner of the memory had embarked on the path to become a scientist, that's why I had so much gain in it even if it was her memory from her early years.'

I had already instructed Harvey to patent the technology, and I was waiting for the good news from her today.

"Let's begin." Mrs Henderson said before placing a thick mathematical exam paper gently on top of my table. I nodded and started the examinations quietly. My hand didn't stop writing, not even for a second while I answered the questions.

[3rd Person POV]

-Dunphy's house. Monday night-

"I…Need to skip grades too! MOM! PLEASE!" Alex begged her mother, but her pride prevented her from throwing a tantrum and only followed her mother around while she was cleaning the house to annoy her.

"Alex. We talked about this." Claire said decisively as she threw the blanket angrily into the laundry basket.

"Yeah. You feel that it will be harsh for me to be in a class with the older kids. But mom, my friends are all older kids!" Alex debated.

True. Before Ed, Alex spent most of her days alone in middle school. Now, she has a group of loyal friends that accepted her for who she was, and she was reluctant to let them all go.

If she skipped a grade, she could be in the same class as Jenna, Elsa, and Jacob next year. Enid would be left behind, but Alex knew that Enid was smarter than she looks. If she skipped grades too, then they could all be together in the same high school next year. And the school life that she had always dreamed of will be a reality.

A few houses over, at the Newgate's house, various heavy machinery had been placed in front of the lawn. Jay Pritchett and Cameron Tucker stood in front of the house with varying faces.

With a sullen face, Jay said, "How in the hell did I agree to this?"

"Cheer up Jay. Don't you see? Ed chose us, because we're the most creative people he has ever seen." Cameron said delusionally.

"He gave us a blueprint." Jay said gruffly to slow down Cam's enthusiasm.

Ed had hired Cam who was doing nothing at his house as a co-project manager with Jay.

Jay tried to reject the work at first, but Ed brought in 3 big guns to buy his effort. One- a tremendous advancement in closet technology. Two- Gloria's breasts.

With Gloria persuasion, there was no way for Jay to reject helping Cam as a co-manager in this project.

Ed had paired them up together as Cam needed someone to tempt down his enthusiasm and crazy ideas and with the added bonus of Jay being a professional in DIY home improvement projects. Together, they made an okay team.