Chapter 132: First. 

(Sorry I missed the upload time yesterday cause I was a bit sick.)

[Edward POV]

"Safe~!" Abby landed on my room in a cheer after doing such a dangerous stunt, which annoyed me so much. Add on to the fact that she was only wearing a baggy black sweater, and that made it even worse. She wasn't even wearing shoes as she walked on the piece of wood. She was incredibly lucky she didn't get any splinters. 

 "So Ed, I hear you fought against 3 men today, kung fu style!" She said with a mischievous grin while doing a few karate moves.

"Make it 3 men and 1 goth girl." I said before hitting her right in the temple with my healthy knuckle.

 "OUCH!" Abby was startled and she rubbed her painful head with teary eyes immediately. She glared at me and shrieked angrily, "What was that for!"

"For BEING STUPID! You could've died!" I said angrily while meeting her eyes. She widened her eyes in realization, and blushed a bit before saying, "I…I wouldn't die from that. It's less than 3 meters tall. At most, my legs would- "

Before she could finish, I hit her again. Usually, I keep my hands away when handling a woman, but she really annoyed me today.

"Are you going to do that again or not?" I asked menacingly. 

"NO!!" Abby replied quickly while giving me a dirty look. 

While she was squirming in pain, I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "How did your interview go?" I asked in a casual manner. Glaring daggers at me, Abby jumped on my body and pushed me on the bed before sitting on top of me.

"My interview went fine~ I'm a genius after all~"

"A genius that just moments ago wanted to jump to her early death." I snided, not caring about her position. She suddenly got her face closer to mine, her black hair falling to my cheek. 

She gazed at me with a mischievous look before asking, "Are you really not going to tell me about the fight? I like bad boys. If you tell me, I might even swoon and start to take everything off right now~"

"As much as I would love that, I need to do some work." I said before forcefully flipping our position. She was taken aback, and her eyes showed disappointment as I walked away to my laptop. 

The laptop was on top of a medical ward type of desk as the room has no space for a normal desk. 

Abby laughed a bit and said, "It's bad for your back if you do it like that." 

"Then, be my back support." I replied. She smiled and then sat with her back against mine as I did my work.

"What'chu doing?" She asked.

"I'm searching for a projector, and a few ropes." I replied. "But I don't think I have time to buy a new one, so I have to borrow the projector from Phil."

"Hmm? You want to borrow it to watch a movie?" Abby asked, raising one of her eyebrows. "With who?"

"It's for school tomorrow." I replied casually while doing maintenance on my websites. Abby was bored and she turned to look at the laptop, at the same time pressing her breast on my back to still provide me with some support.

"This new cushion feels great." I joked. "Soft, ample back support with a slight irritation on the skin from the rough surface. Recommended to remove the cover before sitting. 4 stars."

She gave me a stink eye and said, "HOW DARE YOU! Change the review to 5 stars right now!" She tried to tickle me, but as she kept distracting me from my work, I turned and looked at her with a solemn expression.

Startled, Abby asked while stammering, "W-what?"

5 minutes later, she was waving the white flag on the bedroom, breathing  heavily with a flushing face as I tickled her all over. I was sure that my aunt could hear her laughing, but she decided to ignore it– which I was thankful for. 

After a while, Abby hugged me from behind again and stuck her body closer to mine before asking, "What'cha doing now?"

"I'm currently making sure no terrorist organization has stepped foot on my forum." I replied. I had already written a few algorithms to analyze the conversations in the forums, so it wasn't that much work.

"Sound's serious." She muttered with her hands feeling up my abs. 

"Do you want to listen to some music?" I asked as I knew for sure she was bored.

"You can put on anything." Abby replied. "Alright then." Then, I opened Youtube and put on the music video for 'Stacy's mom."

"Abby's mom, has got it going on~" I sang along with the video, causing Abby to narrow her eyes at me. "What?" She asked menacingly. But I continued singing along to the song, "Abby's mom, has got it going on~ Abby can't you see, your mom is the girl for me-"

Before I could finish, she attacked me by biting my shoulder. 

"OW..Alright alright." I laughed out loud after teasing the girl. She pouted and pushed me away before standing up beside me to fix her sweater as it was riding upwards, revealing her black laced panties. 

"Nah, it's fine. By the way, have you bought the dress yet? Can I take a look at it?" I asked to change the subject. 

She was startled and then stammered, "N-N-NO! It's bad-bad luck for the…date…to see the…prom dress…before the we-, before prom!"

I gave her a weird look before sighing and said, "At least tell me the color theme. Then, maybe I can find something similar."

"Black of course!" She replied decisively.

"I kinda suspected that. Wait- I should bring you a corsage right?" I asked.

"What's that?" She was confused. Then, I googled the image for a corsage and showed it to her. She was still confused and asked, "Is it important?"

"I don't know. This is the first prom for me too, you know." 

Her lips curled upward and she muttered, hiding her excitement, "Hmm… So I managed to become your first in something. Lucky for me~"

I turned to her with a soft smile on my face before I clarified, "First Kiss, First Date, First time smoking weed, First time I went down on someone, First time someone went down on me, First tit job-"

She cupped my mouth with a blushing face immediately, "Okay! Okay! I get it! I get it!" Then, she held my face and kissed me softly on the lips. We locked eyes for a while, and our face was inching closer and closer.

"Yo-You should get back to work." Abby said after moving her blushing face away. "Y-Yeah. I should." I muttered before turning my attention to the laptop again. Abby stared at my bandaged hand while I was working, and her hands shivered slightly before she hugged me from the back as tight as she could.

"Can I hear a song from your album?" She asked suddenly.

"Sure. Which one?" I replied in a casual manner as I have all the copies of my songs in the laptop.

"The one you sang for me before."

"Got it." I muttered before playing the song that I sang just for her before, titled 'Just the way you are'. 

[General POV- Flashback]

"You're so cool. Like an alpha wolf! When Jacob moved to protect the wolf pack leader was awesome too. They all be like, Hiya! HIYAA!! And then you were like, PUNCH PUNCH! And Roy be like, Wham! His body hits the floor. Look, I even got his teeth. I will make a necklace from this to commemorate this day forever." 

Enid muttered to Ed's poster on the wall excitedly as she arrived home and was lying down on her bed. Her bedsheet was a huge picture of a Siberian wolf, and she got a lot of stuffed wolf toys all over the bed.


Suddenly, an angry teenager with a flat chest opened the door to Enid's bedroom quickly. 

"HEY! I NEED SOME ANSWERS!" Tara demanded."Tell me, Why are Bill and Roy thrown into juvenile jail? You know the details right?"

Enid's eyes moved to the left as she avoided her sister's prying stares and hiding the tooth in her hand at the same time."I don't know! I don't know anything!"

Tara narrowed her eyes at Enid and said, "You know your phone's storage is connected to the cloud right?"

Enid widened her eyes in surprise and grabbed Tara's arm before she could go and open up the laptop. "NOOO! I promised Ed not to tell anyone about it!"

"So ED WAS involved!"

Enid gasped and said, "YOU TRICKED ME!"

"What happened? Did Roy finally go crazy? Why is Bill- Wait, I got a text from Jay."

"Jay?" Enid tilted her head in a puzzled manner.

"You know, she's Hendrick's girlfriend…Well, Ex from today onwards. He usually hangs out around Roy and Bill, so I asked Jay to find out if he knew anything about it." Tara explained while Enid thought about the matter.

"Wait, if you find out on your own, that means I didn't break my promise right?" 

"Exactly." Tara replied before checking her messages. "Well, Jay said 'Roy went crazy for Abby's boobs. Want to break Ed's arm for touching it before him. Want to use a roofie- Wait, is this real?" Tara widened her eyes in disbelief as she understood the situation.

"YES! It's pretty crazy right? You should've seen the fight! Pow POW! I swear Ed could film for a movie with his moves." Enid said while mimicking Ed's punches.

While the two siblings were talking, Abby stood beside the door, listening to everything they talked about while holding a pink lipstick on her hand. 

"Promise me, not to tell Abby about it!" Enid said to Tara after telling her the entire incident.

"Why? She needs to know!" Tara didn't agree with Enid or with Edward's approach on the matter.

"Ed told us, if Abby knows, she will be sad, and he wants her to be happy on the last few days she has left in LA." Enid begged Tara. "So don't tell her, okay?!" 

Even though she was reluctant, Tara finally let out a long sigh and said, "Okay. I won't…right now. I will tell her when she gets to New York later, and when she is finally settled down there."

Abby played with the pink lipstick in her hand with a complicated expression on her face. Then, she decided to put the lipstick by the door and walked out of the sister's house without saying anything to them. 

She entered the house because Tara had left her lipstick in her car, and she wanted to return it to her. She didn't think she would stumble onto a big secret. 

As she drove home, tears started to fall. "That bastard. I already told him I don't like people lying to me." She said while wiping her eyes, but her mouth was smiling. "That bastard." She muttered with a slight chuckle.

[Flashback ends]

"Ed, when we go to prom tomorrow, I want to tell you somethin- Wait, why are you opening up the school's planning blueprint?" Abby asked after she was surprised to see the picture popping up on the laptop.

Edward smirked and said, "Preparing for the war tomorrow." 

[Edward POV]

I only finished my work close to 2 am. Abby was already lying down, groggy and had almost fallen asleep on my giant bed but she sat up after seeing me standing up.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I wanna go get some drinks. You want something?"

"Sure. Does your aunt have beer?" She asked. I thought for a while and said, "She only has some lady beer that she purposely bought to make sure I would be too embarrassed to drink it."

Abby laughed and said, "Then, whatever you feel like drinking, make it two."

"Alright. Tepid water it is. I would give you some milk, but we're out of that too" I said before going to get the drinks for a while. 

"Why milk?" Abby muttered before realizing something. "JERK! I don't want my boobs to get bigger!" She threw a pillow at me before I could go out of the door.

 When I got back, I saw Abby fiddling with her fingers and with a worried expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked affectionately.

"Huh? Ah nothing, nothing." Abby replied dismissively before grabbing the drink I handed to her. 

"Umm…do you want to fuck?" Abby asked after getting some determination.

"Eh, I'm alright." I said with a shrug, causing Abby's brain to short-circuit.

"Th-Then, do you want a blowjob?" She asked again with a flushing face.

"I'm okay." I rejected her again, which made her eyes get teary.

"Do you want to cum on my tits?" She asked with a weak voice.

"Eh." I replied with a shrug. "Bastard." She cursed underneath her breath.

"I want to conserve my energy for tomorrow, but if you have anything in your dirty mind that is close to a cuddle, I'll take that." I said playfully.

"I WAS ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING! NOTHING!" She exploded and started ranting to herself about my obnoxious face and about how much she wanted to punch me. After turning off the lights, Abby insisted on being the big spoon and hugged me from behind as we laid on the bed together.

"Ahh, this bed finally feels complete." I muttered. "Being alone in this abomination intensifies my loneliness."

Abby was still pouting and she said, "Good, Suffer." I laughed a bit before turning to face her before pulling her face into my embrace. Abby bit her lips and said, "Hey, do you really don't want to do anything-"

"Shh Shh Shh Shh, go to sleep." I said while patting her on the head. She was dissatisfied and pushed me away before laying on top of me, trying to punish me with the weight of her body. 

Honestly, I was itching to say yes to her invitations. But not right now. Not today. I grabbed her tightly to prevent her from moving after she forced me to roll over a few times, and while we were laughing and giggling, suddenly my door slammed open.

"You know, I waited…I'd been nice. I let you kids play. But it's almost 3 am-" My aunt barged into the room with a moisture mask on her face and started scolding the both of us.

"It's 2.30." I corrected her without thinking. 

She was in disbelief and she said sarcastically, "Gee. I was mistaken. It was 2. 30….IN THE MORNING! Now, I don't know what kind of playing you kids want to do, talking about having sex, and not actually having it, giggling and laughing, shouting and screaming…."

"...I swear if you guys don't go to sleep in 5 minutes, I will jump into that giant mattress, and force you guys to fuck even if it means that I had to push your body myself! Last warning! GO TO SLEEP!" She then slammed the door shut as she went out of the room. 

Both Abby and I were stunned, and we turned to look at each other before we giggled in a low volume. However, my aunt's sensitive ears still picked that up and she said, "SLEEEEPPPP!!"

"Alright!" I replied before both Abby and I closed our eyes as we hugged each other. Abby slowly pulled the blanket to cover the both of us, and then we talked for a few more minutes.  

Abby suddenly sat up and removed her sweater, revealing her bare breast and laced black panties. I was stunned for a bit before she lay back down and pulled the blanket to cover her body. "I can't sleep with that on. Too…hot…Don't you think?" She said while smirking evilly. 

"Oh lord, help me pass this test." I mumbled to myself as Abby hugged me and put her head on top of my chest as she faked sleeping.

 The anger in her heart was finally soothed as right now, I was the one who was put in an anxiety ridden position. She then nudged her head even more and then put her legs on top of mine, her hand dangerously close to my center of gravity.

"Lord, Please." I prayed inwardly as I avoided moving to accidentally prevent myself from touching those I should not l touch under any circumstance at all today.

[General POV]

-Dunphy's house-

"Mom, I need 5 more of those blankets." Alex said before pulling Luke's blanket from his body, making him shiver in the cold morning.

"Alex, what is this? What are you guys going to do?" Claire asked in disbelief before helping Alex stuff all of the blankets inside her empty cello case– after she threw away the broken cello inside of it.

"I'm not clear yet." Alex replied to Claire's disbelief.

-Green's house-

Jacob was standing next to his mother in their backyard as she went to hang the laundry early in the morning. Mrs Green looked weirdly at Jacob as she hung the blankets on the laundry pole. Jacob then removed the blanket and then put it inside a big luggage bag beside him.

"Jacob, this is not what I meant when I say let it dry first!" Mrs Green scolded.

-Abraham's house-

"How about this one Bubuleh? You used it during your circumcision." Abraham's mom said while giving him a green blanket. Abraham froze and said, "No! MOM! Are you trying to embarrass me? Burn this and scatter the ashes to the ocean with the rest of my penis!"

-Enid's house-

Enid attacked her parents in their bedroom by pulling the blankets away from them, and she also packed a few of her wolf logo blankets before muttering to a wolf doll not so far away, "Today is the day! We're going to go out big!!!"

-Jenna's house-

"How many blankets do you want sweetie? 100? 200? I will swing by your school when I go to the film set later on to drop them off." Jenna's mother said in a casual manner. 

"Thank you mommy. I love you!" Jenna said before giving her mother a tight hug.

-Elsa's house-

"Another blanket? Why don't you just pack the whole house with you and bring that to school?" Elsa's policewoman mother started a huge rant about how weird school was nowadays while her younger siblings followed her mother around the house like baby ducklings, mimicking her as she nagged.


"I Didn't lose them! They were broken so I threw them away!" Elsa retorted. "Oh, and how were they broken? They just…magically imploded? Or maybe just thought 'Oh, I'm too big, so I must split myself in half?' 'Oh, I just got a bruise, It has nothing to do with the bat on my husband's hand.' 'Oh, Mr President, I don't know how the bullet got into your hea-"

"OKAY STOP THAT!." Elsa shouted hurriedly. Her mother widened her eyes and then said, "I almost went there. Thanks for stopping me."

"You're welcome." Elsa said before carrying all of her bags to the car.

-Edward's place-

Abby rubbed her eyes as she sat up from the bed. "Why are you up so early?" She asked the overly active boy. But then, Edward turned to her direction and pulled the blanket wrapping around her body. Abby shrieked in embarrassment and covered her bare boobies immediately before scolding, "YOU CRAZY MOTHER FU-"

"Yeah yeah. Finish that sentence and I will make it come true." Ed said in a casual threatening voice. 

"FFFffffffuuuu- Flower?" Abby changed her words instantly. 

Ed smirked before saying, "I'll pick you up in a limo at 5." Then, he walked outside of the room before kicking his aunt's bedroom door open. "POLICE! THIS IS A BLANKET RAID!" 

His aunt yelled in horror as she was woken up abruptly from her deep sleep, but Ed was ruthless and he pulled the blanket away from her bed, making her fall to the floor!

"OOOOOOHHHH….YOOUUUUUU….PUUUUTA MADRE!!!!" Camila cursed after Ed walked away in satisfaction, managing to enact his revenge for her intrusion into his bedroom last night.

In the music classroom, a small army of eight grader teenagers had assembled when Ed stood on a platform to address them.

"Ladies and Gentleman. Today, we will no longer be bound by the strict rules this establishment imposed upon us. TODAY!!! On our very last day, we will decide the rules for this school!!!!"

The crowd cheered and clapped before Edward continued, "TODAYY!!! We're going to–"

(Next Arc, A CommunityXRelife Crossover.

Fort Wars!)