The Two Sisters

Even when she was surrounded like this, she never showed any sign to surrender. Instead, she challenged and even threatened those youths around, using strong and firm words.

And that left a deep touch in William's heart. He greatly admired those brave ones, who chose to keep their heads high even in the face of unchangeable obstacles.

"Who said you should have such abnormal powers and live freely? Your people aren't humans, but monsters. You shall be in the lowest rank in the entire world, not to ask for any right like any spirit master. And you should have listened to us and do as you are ordered. If you did, none of this would ever have to happen," one of the groups surrounding the two girls said in vicious tone before another one added:

"Our young master got fond of you. You should have agreed and not rejected his grace. The blood of your people is all on your hands, b*tch!"