Using Big Words

This time the ruckus that his words caused was louder than ever.

"Liar! You are registered in the academy as a porter," one of the elders standing on Guo's side blurted out in a storm of fuming rage.

If William was a spirit master, then all of this trap they carefully devised would be instantly ruined! The strongest base they got for such allegations was based on the fact that William was a porter.

However, they truly missed this simple point, a point the ones who told them about what happened and instigated all this forgot to tell any of them about!

"Saying such things isn't a joke or a play," the headmaster spoke at this moment to stop anyone from speaking again, "if you are a spirit master, then you shall prove it."

"I won't say no to a test," William said with a bright smile. He finally reached the point he wanted from the start.