Another Failure!

If it proved that trying to control the direction of each strike consumed more, then he'd try to lower the number of strikes he'd control. For example, if he executed ten strikes or more to stack together using the dark element, then he'd just control two of them to block the path over his enemy.

He wanted to use the entrapping method of the Burning Star technique. And that to make sure his enemy wouldn't have a chance to escape from his incoming attack and end up losing too much or die in the end.

Not to mention any foe entrapped in such an attack wouldn't have the ability to fight back.

But when he witnessed how truly scary the attack combining part of this technique was, he started to think less about the entrapment portion.

In his mind, another variation of his new technique began to take shape. He imagined if he was able to merge both stacking part of the dark technique with the combining part of the light technique, how devastating his final technique would be?
