A Piece Of Advice

"Who said spirit masters got strong by only using their spirit power? Your body got tampered with such power over the years. You can't possibly believe I can match your speed or reflexes? Not to mention the power in each fist of yours. I'm still a kid, and a recent bronze spirit master on top of that. How come I can match an experienced dark gold spirit master like you?"

"..." and with William's logical argument, Berry's father couldn't find a single word to say to defend himself against this kid.

"Hahaha! At last, you found your match! Hahaha! Seeing this shameless and bold kid reminds me of you, hahaha!"

And from the side, Berry's uncle couldn't help but laugh, stirring up the fire inside his brother once more. Yet a single and brief warning message managed to kill down such fire in a flash.

The situation here was already under control, and Berry's uncle, Gran, knew the old patriarch was the one behind this.