Finishing The Task

For two more hours, the two of them kept working on cleansing the melted mix. Kong was indeed much faster than William, as he was supported with his higher spirit power. So, he didn't need to rest after each cleansing and could jump from one unrefined lump to another without rest for five times in a row.

But soon, something huge happened.

*Rumble!* *Rumble!* *Rumble!*

All of sudden, the ground shook in an obvious way while distant explosive sounds started to appear from the distance.

It looked like the end of the world just arrived!

Everyone halted, even William and Kong stopped what they were doing and landed on the ground.

And then a heavy and suffocating silence prevailed over the young spirit masters here for a long minute.

"This… It's a bit early, right?" William turned to Kong and others, seemingly wanting to confirm that less than three hours had passed since they came here.