One Spear To Change The World!

The ends of the fur flickered with sparkles of scarlet red and orange coloured electrical wisps of fire. William knew these wisps weren't just for show, and a single one of those troublesome monsters was enough to soak an entire hundred metre area with an ocean of undying fire.

In such situations, spirit masters had no way to kill this fire unless by killing the monster itself or forcing it to use another technique of it.

And one had to know such a fearsome monster had a long list of very frightening techniques, all were fire related.

Just when everyone held their breaths out of horror, the one bear that jumped out of the forest while crushing down its trees abruptly stopped.

It came out just hundreds of metres away from William and his group's location. Everyone felt intense fear as the elliptical purple eyes of this scary monster moved around them as if they were the eyes of death god.