Crushing Guanin Once

William simply took a single glance before looking away. It would be anyone's luck to learn anything from him. And he wouldn't be bitter and hold his knowledge back from anyone.

Especially if it was something that could help the grand community of the spirit masters, at least in the academy and its surrounding clans.

Not to mention, this was also another source of income for William. The more income he'd get, the better resources he'd purchase later on, the faster he'd grow stronger.

William wasn't stupid. He knew the response of the Alchemy department wouldn't be much different than that of the Forging department folks.

So, he was expecting some kind of a grand deal, the same way he did it with the Forging department.

As for those kids here, who saw him concoct the potion, if anyone was lucky enough, then he or she would end up learning a thing or two from him.