The Classes Are Cancelled

This Guanin seemed to rely too much on his clan. The master simply snorted and ignored everything Guanin said. "Not a single year's punishment is enough for someone like you. If I saw a shadow of one of your clansmen, then you'll stay away from this class for three years."

Guanin was already near the door when he stumbled and almost fell. With eyes filled with killing intent, he turned and looked at William before leaving as if he was promising a soon to happen meeting between the two.

"Return to your seat," the master waved, "don't bother with him. As long as you are inside the academy, you won't get any harm at all."

"Thanks master," William knew that Guanin's threats weren't just limited to the academy, but mainly to the forest and world outside.

William didn't intend to stay his entire life confined inside the academy. It was much like a prison to him.