Getting Disqualified

"It has to be done this way. Only when people lower their guard they'd show their true colour," Peter said, and William just remained silent while they kept hassling among themselves about this point.

William was standing with the other five at the safe part of the forest. And with the activity of the other forty, it was expected that not a single monster came to test them out.

During this time, William took it to recharge his depleted spirit power. And just before the three hours would end, few of those who went out started to come back.

"Here, I killed twenty monsters during this period."

"I killed thirty, ten more than you, hahahaha!"

"I… I only killed ten… Is it enough?"

One by one came, and William let his five friends handle the loot. Of course people might trick them and bring cores they already got out, so William asked for materials for this purpose.