[Bonus Chapter] Getting Cores At Last

He jumped twice, passing twenty metres this time, going by the group of tigers that tried to take a bite at him.

The first to meet him up were five groups of tigers. He had to follow his earlier two jumps by jumping three times again, evading all of them.

The tigers used fire balls that came out from their mouths. Then the wind element members would wave their claws, sending gales of wind to augment these fireballs, letting them grow in size, speed, and ferocity.

But that didn't matter for William as he simply evaded the monsters early on before they'd release their attacks. And when he appeared again, he was just in front of the second-row monsters.

They seemed to prepare to attack him when he drew closer. "Sorry, but I can't digest how you use fireballs as if you are dragons… Come on! You aren't dragons! You are tigers! So, act like ones, for god's sake!"