You Won't Follow Us

His words, accompanied by the token he just took and flipped it in the air like he was playing with a coin or something, alongside his playful expression and cold looking eyes, made Mark's body slightly tremble.

William, the kid who wasn't any older than eleven years old, just dared to threaten the entire Royals hotel. And for a reason, Mark couldn't help but take such direct warning seriously.

William saw directly through this troublesome youth's intentions. He was the type to use dirty methods to solve the big problems he got, just like how he did before by inviting the lackeys of the six big merchant groups here.

William knew Mark would think and plan an assassination attempt for him. As he was sure about this, William decided to strike first, using two scary names with evidence backing his claims up.

Even if what he claimed was false, he had what it took to make them look real. And that made Mark hesitate about doing what he intended to do.