Something Wrong Happened

"What are we going to do here?"

Inside the Fox territory, William stood just ten metres after passing from the gate. And Thomas followed with a dark look on his face.

William didn't stop just to wait for him. He knew that in any territory filled with traps, the twenty metres area around the entrance gate was considered safe.

It was a tradition to leave behind a space for those who belonged truly here to execute their special ways to deactivate the different traps. And as William didn't trust this crazy old spirit master, he decided to half this distance, just to be sure.

"I want you to do what you trained on," William didn't even turn to Thomas, as his eyes were attracted by the space inside.

He got the impression before that this place was huge, but not as big as it showed from outside. He thought there was some sort of optical illusion thanks to the sealing array. And this area wasn't that huge.