The Nine Lives Ability

"I don't have much time, so listen and don't ask any needless questions," that old fox seemed to be on a short time here, "that statue introduced himself as one like me, one like everyone else, but he came from another world, a much bigger and far stronger one."

"The vast world!" William's shock wasn't receding, but growing, with every single word this old fox was saying.

"He said something like that indeed… Strange… I thought such knowledge wasn't known in this world. Anyway, he told me he has the element of time, one that can see through the future and past, one that can be called a foresight. And he came here by paying a hefty price per a prophecy of his."

"About you? Or about this fort? Or about this world?"

"Neither," the face took a long moment this time before sighing, "I can't hide it. Since I learnt about this prophecy, and I held extreme envy towards you."

"Me? Why?"