Let's Run!

William didn't even give them a minute to breath, started to flash around, while killing those who were still standing. Few tried to rally others up, and many tried to fight back, and all failed.

Nothing could stop William now. And all they could hope for was to run and outrun this scary enemy. However, that didn't end up quite well for any of them. With William having such scary moving technique, a very capable necklace, and many elixirs on his side, none could ever run away from him.

"I have to put a stall for all the rings I have," William had thousands of rings by now. And he knew having all of them like this wasn't to help him at all.

He planned to really sell them once he got everything out of them. "Time to close the net," William took his time playing with other gatherings of dark spirit masters, fighting and killing all the dark gold ones of them in the process.