Working On The Weapon Again

[You? You do know there are lots of pinnacle masters after me, right?]

"Just trust me on this," William knew his weapon wouldn't be scary enough to kill such formidable masters. But it'd be at least strong enough to fend them off and stall for time.

Time was her greatest enemy right now. If she managed to buy herself enough time, then the forces scattered all over the city would gather and protect her. However, she had to survive at least for a day or so.

As the enemies went to such an extent, William was sure they took into consideration the scattered forces of Lara. He didn't even mention summoning any of them.

William wasn't that worried about her. He knew someone born and raised in this city wouldn't struggle to keep himself alive.

"I hope she knows what to do," he knew he did enough, and now it was all up to her. If she wasn't capable, or half bad, she'd end up dead. And as he didn't know what type of a master she truly was, he started to think of the worst.